Month: November 2018
We Learn By Doing
Active Learning: this semester we’ve talked about tools like Activity-based Classes, ePortfolios, Internships & Studying Abroad as great ways to create an active and engaged college experience that is relevant and useful for your career.
Everything I need to know about creating my own bespoke college program I learned from George Lucas & J. K. Rowling
Writing the screenplay or novel of your college career and then shopping it to the studios-publishers-departments to see who will produce your epic!
Visiting Artist: Lizzie Green
On Wed, 5 Dec we’re having a visiting artist talk by California & Florida Painter & Street Artist Lizzie Green!
Happy Fall Break!
Street Photography, Points Update, Leaderboard, Couchsurfing Fall Break, Fall Break Movie Suggestions, Scantron Midterm Results, EC: Time Travel, and more!
Rethinking Pedagogy Results
Results of our Rethinking Pedagogy activity are in! Everybody aced it!!! Here are some cool samples of your work!
lauren woods: American MONUMENT
This week we’re visiting and thinking about the many complex issues revolving around lauren woods’ paused installation at the University Art Museum, American MONUMENT