painter and street artist Lizzie Green spray painting a piece at the Venice Beach Art Walls. Green paints a whale in black and white, and surrounding the whale a brightly colored background field. Lizzie Green's own haircolor in fuschia and orange resonates with the colored spraypaint on the wall

Visiting Artist: Lizzie Green

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Art 110 Visiting Artist Lizzie Green

Exciting news – on Wednesday, 5 December 2018 we’re having a visiting artist talk by Lizzie Green. She’s a painter & street artist in Florida & California.

painter and street artist Lizzie Green spray painting a piece at the Venice Beach Art Walls. Green paints a whale in black and white, and surrounding the whale a brightly colored background field. Lizzie Green's own haircolor in fuschia and orange resonates with the colored spraypaint on the wall
Lizzie Green painting at the Venice Art Walls… hey… isn’t that Rowland painting in the background!?

On her whale piece:

We all have it: a little voice inside that tries to hold us back.

It tells us not to say what we feel so we won’t make any waves. It tells us not to define what we want so that things can stay predictably easy. It tells us not to go for our dreams because we may not be good enough.

It may also tell us that it’s selfish to focus on our own desires and goals–that good people are more concerned with giving than getting. But giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. And sometimes the best thing we can give to others is a reminder that we all deserve to live passionate, fulfilling, engaged lives–and we all have the capacity to do it.
So today, let your light shine.” ✨⚡️✨



On Wednesday 5 Dec I’ll be having lunch with Lizzie on campus. Why don’t you join us!? LMK if you’re interested & I’ll LYK where we’ll be. It’ll be in one of the campus dining areas. You can bring food, buy food, or just hangout. You can come late, leave early, or whatever works for you. It’d be cool if you have a chance to say Hi! to Lizzie before class. If not, you’ll get to see her work and hear about her career at 3:30 in Psy-150.

Lunch is optional, of course. Unless you’re Eleanor. In which case it’s mandatory! 😀


Below are a bunch of samples of art & ideas from Lizzie Green’s Instagram. Or you can just check it out directly: @6lizabeth3. Of course, feel free to follow her if you’re interested. Message her if you have any questions in advance.

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Been quite a week! Thankful for another awesome fantasy fest. Beyond grateful that so many people from last year came back to be painted by me & and brought friends❤️ Thank You Guys!! Officially back in LA. And so grateful for that. I truly truly love this place, my job, and feel so blessed to have something special like this come back to. I’ve felt kind of lonely for the last 3 months to be honest. (To be expected) moving across the country alone. But something feels different now. I arrived back here after a crazy week painting some beautiful people in Key West, alone again, but I don’t feel lonely anymore. I feel like I’m home bc I am. ❤️ #grateful #love #LA #venice #beautiful #travel #keywest #ocean #pointdume #beautiful #coastline #malibu

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Ran outta paint #oceaneyes

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Father and daughter❤️ #bestfriendsforlife

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❤️This Boo & the last mural I did in Da Burgh #412

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Intense last few days! But I got to be messy af and bask myself in dirt & MUD all day which I’ve always enjoyed💩 & it feels good to help and be available to my friends and family when they need it most💓Floods-they suck. Its a strange feeling seeing a families lifetime of possessions just destroyed. It was worse than my own things being destroyed like last year when my garage flooded destroying a shit ton of artwork. It was also like life was truly in SEPIA if you know what I mean. Everything tinged in orange/brown. (Covered in dirt) it made me so stoked to come home and soak my eyes in beautiful bright COLOR! Life is so beautiful even on the brown days. #floods #bestofabadsituation #grateful #community #dirty

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Paradise doesn’t have to be tropical❄️❤️

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