Month: September 2017
Week B2 – Finger Painting & Ai Weiwei
This week we visit the SOA Galleries, research artist Ai Weiwei, and try some “Finger Painting”
Week B1 – SOA Galleries & Plaster Casting
Info for our “1st week of the middle 10” – Visiting the SOA Galleries, Ana Teresa Fernández & Plaster Casting!
Fall ’17 Syllabus
Syllabus for CSULB School of Art (SOA) Course Art110 – Introduction to the Visual Arts, Fall 2017. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Fall ’17 Artist Essay Template
Artist Essay Template for CSULB School of Art (SOA) Course Art110 – Introduction to the Visual Arts, Fall 2017. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Fall ’17 Materials
Materials for Art110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, CSU Long Beach, School of Art, Fall Semester 2017.