Year: 2016
Wk 10: Fiber Art Social Network
Deep and thoughtful Art Care Packages last week! This week another way of looking at the connections of our lives: Fiber Art Social Network
Public Knowledge, Session 4: Creating Visuals, Telling Your Story in a 60-90 sec video
Session 4/5: getting started on our 60-90 second videos
Media Resources
Media Resources (still images & b-roll) for Public Knowledge: Media Training Workshop
Wk 9 – Sending an “Art Care Package”
Nice sketches at the CSULB Japanese Garden last week! Seems like many of you found the garden & the sketching a nice relaxing experience among the rush of the semester.
Wk 8: Sketching in the Japanese Garden
This week we meet at the CSULB Japanese Garden (over by parking lots & dorms) for some relaxing afternoon sketching! 🙂
Telling Your Story in Sound Bites
Notes from Session 3 of Public Knowledge, Media Training Workshop: Telling Your Story in Sound Bites w Susan C. Mills, Lata Pandya, Leanne Suter, et al
Real Lessons from Fake Universities
My Research, Angle, Key Messages & Talking Points for “Public Knowledge: Media Training Workshop” with Susan C. Mills, et al
Wk 7 Fancy Classmate Convo’s!
Great Zines & Flip Books last week! No new “Activity” this week. Meet @SOA Galleries 4 Artist Conversation & *NEW* version of Classmate Conversation! 😀
Is Critical Thinking Dead? (can Donald Trump pass the Turing Test?)
Do students think critically? Do they read? Can they write? A few thoughts from grading the GPE (formerly WPE) today.
Wk 6: Zines & Flip Books!
Something a little different this week: 1st 1/2 of roster upstairs in FA4-311 for 1st 1/2 of class & downstairs @Galleries for 2nd 1/2. Opposite for 2nd 1/2 of roster. We’ll be upstairs working on your Zines or Flip Books, and down at the SOA Galleries doing another (great) Artist…
Wk 5: Last Week Drawing, This Week Painting
Truly beautiful work in your Automatic Drawings last week! This week we move from drawing to painting as we try Graffiti Writing. Hope to (optionally) see you at the Venice Art Walls on Saturday!
Public Knowledge Media Training Workshop: Developing Your Story: Why Your Research Matters
My notes from Saturday’s workshop with Jill Nishida, Eric Lindbom, Michael Uhlenkamp & Susan C. Mills, and CSULB colleagues Dr. Jose Rodriguez, Dr. Lilia Meltzer, et al
Lydia Chang’s ID Card Zines
An exciting batch of 1-page zines from Art110’s zine queen Lydia Chang!
Hannah Adams’ Colored Marker ID Cards
A collection of wonderful colored marker ID cards from Hannah Adams!
Wk 4: Automatic Drawing
Lots of nice writing and insights in last week’s artist conversations. This week another artist conversation and a new activity: Automatic Writing!
Sallie Goetsch: Is WordPress the Best Tool for This Job?
There’s an old saying that when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You can build almost anything with WordPress, but should you?
Kitty Lusby: Going Pro: How To Make Your Blog Pay Your Bills
A realistic look at what it takes to run a profit-making, long-term blog.