eportfolio website home page for Natalie "Hops" Hops, hip hop dancer

B5 Student Choice, Meeting Locations, Points Update & Cool Websites!

Banner for content for Fall Semester 2018 at California State University, Long Beach

students sitting at at table in the Japanese Garden and drawing some of the garden elements
Sketching in the LBSU EBM Japanese Garden on Wednesday

Week B5

Welcome to Week B5! It’s halfway through “B”, or for the rest of campus, “Week 8”, which is halfway through the semester.

  • Seniorsyou’re so close to graduation!
  • Freshmanyou just survived half of your 1st semester @The Beach! Go You!
  • Sophomores & Juniorsyou’re in the middle! 😛 Again! But definitely try to make memorable moments for yourself! Whatever year you are, you owe it to yourself to cherish this time in college and to find special moments. Maybe work on a project that you really care about. Go on a weekend road trip with an interesting classmate. Live! Interact! Be Present! You’ll be moving on before you know it!

Meeting Locations

  • B5 – Monday – PSY-150
  • B5 – Wednesday – SOA Galleries
  • B6 – Monday – PSY-150
  • B6 – Wednesday – SOA Galleries
  • B7 – Monday – PSY-150
  • B7 – Wednesday – SOA Galleries – Halloween Party!!!
  • B7 – Saturday – Optional Meetup @Venice Beach Art Walls

B3 Points

All Points through Wk B3 are now up on BeachBoard

After 3 weeks of “B” we’ve had 201 points possible so far. Here’s how many points you should have to be on track for each grade level, and how many peeps are currently on track for that grade:

  • 181 points = 90% = on track for final grade of “A” – 73 peeps
  • 161 points = 80% = on track for final grade of “B” – 19 peeps
  • 141 points = 70% = on track for final grade of “C” – 9 peeps
  • 121 points = 60% = on track for final grade of “D” – 8 peeps
  • 120 & below = on track for final grade of “F” – 15 peeps

Current overall class GPA = 3.02

We improved from last week’s 2.79 to above 3.0. Yay! That’s awesome news. And congrats to all of you with lots of points.

But we still have a chunk of students (probably not even reading this?) who are very low on points. As each week goes by you get more underwater and it will be a lot harder to pull yourself out. Those with low points really need to make 1 of 2 choices right now: 1. Seriously get going on the class, or, 2. Drop the class. If you fail to make either choice, then you’ll wind up with an “F” in this class. No fun for you; no fun for me.

Sienna Sanchez' website
Sienna Sanchez


WIth 201 points possible, here’s our top 10 as of B3:

  1. Hailey Hairrell, 251 points
  2. Sienna Sanchez, 246
  3. Audrey Resella, 235
  4. Kyle Gower, 233
  5. Erica Lander, 228
  6. Allison Sanchez, 225
  7. Katelyn Tran, 222
  8. Taylor Wilkins, 219
  9. Minhyuk Kim, 219
  10. Michael Sanchez, 216
  11. Brayden Rios, 216
Audrey Resella's website
Audrey Resella

B5 – Student Choice – This Week!

  • Art Activity – Student Choice
  • SOA Galleries – This week you should still have a Conversation with an SOA Artist, but instead of the normal “essay”… use a piece of their art as your inspiration for a short story. It could be any sort of fiction you’d like to write, or it could be non-fiction connecting your own personal experiences to something you get from the art. Write a short story, unless you are a Dance Major (or Hops) in which case you should choreograph a piece in response to the art you see. Document your dance with photos or video.
  • Monday ID Cards – normal
  • Wednesday ID Cards – form groups of 3. Pick one of the SOA Galleries to inspire a “triptych” (3-panel artwork) where your 3 ID cards connect to form some sort of larger whole. When your triptych is ready, all 3 of you can find me in the SOA Gallery Courtyard to present your triptych and explain your ideas to me.
Long Beach State University students sitting on a platform suspended over the lake at the CSULB Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden
Brian & Audrey holding court on one of the Japanese Garden’s lake platforms. BTW, Brian’s coordinating the optional weekly Photo Challenge! And Audrey’s coordinating the Art110 Halloween Party! Checkit!

B3 – Websites

Wow – really a lot of nice work on your ePortfolio websites!

I hope you’ll keep refining these as time goes by. Add new work. Edit. Improve the design, layout & navigation. I hope your website will serve you well as you look for jobs, internships, grad school, and various other professional, career, and personal opportunities.

There were way too many good sites I wanted to show to! But here’s a small sample of some of your nice work:

Alec Fielding, Computer Scientist

screen capture of Alec Fielding's eportfolio website home page
Alec Fielding, Computer Scientist

Brayden Rios, Filmmaker, Writer, Artist

screen capture of the home page of Brayden Rios, filmmaker, writer, artist
Brayden Rios, filmmaker, writer, artist

Conner Wileman, Cinematographer, Audio Engineer

screen capture of cinematographer & audio engineer Conner Wileman's home page
Conner Wileman

Hailey Hairrell, Nurse

screen capture of the home page of Hailey Hairrell's nursing website
Hailey Hairrell, Nurse

Hope Kindred, Filmmaker & Artist

screen cap of Hope Kindred, filmmaker & artist's home page
Hope Kindred, Flimmaker & Artist

Hunter Dennis, Photographer & Graphic Designer

screen cap of Hunter Dennis home page
Hunter Dennis, photographer & graphic designer

Katelyn Tran, Dental Hygenist

Katelyn Tran's home page
Katelyn Tran, dental hygenist

Leonardo Maldonado, Construction Engineer Management

Leonardo Maldonado's home page
Leonardo Maldonado, Construction Engineer Management

Lillie Cecile, Photographer & Filmmaker

screen cap of Lillie Cecil's home page
Lillie Cecil, photographer & filmmaker

Hops, Dance

eportfolio website home page for Natalie "Hops" Hops, hip hop dancer
Hops, dance

Nicole Merrit, Tennis Coach

Nicole Merrit, tennis coach's home page
Nicole Merrit, tennis coach

Seia Watanabe, Visual Artist

Seia Watanabe's home page
Seia Watanabe, visual artist

Stephanie Finch, Landscape Photographer

Stephanie Finch's home page
Stephanie Finch, landscape photographer

Active Learning

BTW, you know my whole We Learn By Doing thing:

  1. Negotiate for Active
  2. Study Abroad
  3. Internships
  4. ePortfolio
  5. Communicate
  6. Educate

Why do I think it’s so important? Here’s a diagram of the Retention Rates for different educational modalities:

a "learning pyramid" showing the retention rates of different instructional modalities: from a low of only 5% retention for lecture mode, to a high of 90% retention rate for teaching material
image: educationcorner.com

When you sit in a lecture you only retain 5% of the material. Ironically, teaching is the most powerful modality. When you teach something, you retain 90%. Which means that when you sit and listen to someone teach, they’re getting 90% of the material and you’re getting 5%!? Cruel! Want to learn something?

  • Watch it!
  • Do it!
  • Teach it!


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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