screen cap of article The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens by Elspeth Reeve at The New Republic

Extra Credit!

screen cap of article The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens by Elspeth Reeve at The New Republic

Hi guys!

Some of you have asked about additional EC. (We’ve already had 190 points of EC!: Painting in Venice(40), Wall Writers Film Screening(40), LA Art Book Fair (50), Leading Photowalks(60) ) But OK, here’s 140 more:

Art Experience Feedback!

Now that you’ve done our 14 activities, I’d really like to get your feedback on them. If you’re interested, do an extra post this week: Week 14 – Activity Feedback, and tell me:

  • Your 3 favorite activities this semester, and a few words about why
  • Your 3 least favorite activities this semester, and a few words about why
  • Any other feedback on the class – fun? boring? easy? hard? relevant? irrelevant? useful? useless? etc
  • What could make the class better?

I’ll be grateful for your feedback, you’ll help design a better class for next semester, and I’ll give you 20 points of EC for the extra post.


As you know, all your classmates have placed the GPS Coordinates to their geocaches as comments on our geocaching page. You can find up to 6 of them for 10 points each. You can go hunting as a group and all members of the group can log the finds for EC.
Up to 60 points EC

The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens

Read The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens by Elspeth Reeve and write a response & analysis to it. Please think critically in your writing. Don’t just restate the ideas in her article. Don’t just say it’s cool or lame or give me cliche’s of our media age. Try to think through how this describes culture in your 2016 moment. Are you exited by the possibilities? Disappointed by the cultural tendencies? Describe! Does this article give you ideas for projects of your own?
Up to 30 points EC

Wayne Thiebaud

The artist Wayne Thiebaud is coming to speak at CSULB on Wed, May 4! Go! Listen! React! Thiebaud will be speaking at the Martha B. Knoebel Dance Theater here on campus. It’s free! But you need to get a ticket.

If you’re too late to get a ticket, I’m not responsible for you not earning this EC. On the other hand, please don’t take tickets that someone else might be able to use if you aren’t likely to actually go.
Up to 30 points EC


Art Experience Feedback, Geocaching & The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens are due in a week and a half, by 11:59pm on Sunday, May 1st. Wayne Thiebaud is due by 11:59pm on Sunday, May 8th.


One response to “Extra Credit!”

  1. The Hoax Reaper Avatar

    If we are going to the artist Wayne Thiebaud do we just need to write a summary of what happened or our opinions?

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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