Art 110 students at the CSULB School of Art (SOA) Art Gallery Courtyard

Wk 1 Welcome 2 Spring ’16!

Welcome back everyone!
Happy 2016!

And Welcome to Art 110!
I hope you have a wonderful Art Experience this semester!

Here’s who’s in the class with us:


  • Freshmen 38
  • Sophomores 62
  • Juniors 9
  • Seniors 15


Undeclared 20
Criminal Justice 11
Film & Electronic Arts 11
Psychology 10

Comupter Science 4
Computer Engineering 3
Electrical Engineering 1
Aerospace Engineering 1
Mechanical Engineering 1
Civil Engineering 1
Construction Engineering Management 1
Biomedical Engineering 1

Health Care Administration 3
Nutrition & Dietetics 1
Nursing 1
Community Health Education 1
Consumer Affairs 1

Communications 3
Journalism 1
English Education / Creative Writing 1
Speech Language Pathology 1

Human Development 1
Child Development 1

Biology 3
Biochemistry 2
Marine Biology 1
Chemistry 1
Mathematics 1

Business Management 3
Business Marketing 3
Marketing 1
Accounting 2

Fashion Merchandising 3
Art 2
Technical Theatre 2
Dance 1

Kinesiology 2
Athletic Training 2
Recreation 1

Political Science 4
Sociology 2
Social Work 2
Hospitality 1
Philosophy 2
Economics 1

Japanese 1
Spanish 1

Week 1

19-24 Jan

Discussion: My Body: Francesca Woodman & Stelarc
Art Experience: Photography 1: Landscapes with a Corpse

Tuesday Discussion Groups

Each week we’ll have different discussion groups so you can get to know more classmates. Here are the groups for Week 1:

Group 1

Aguirre,Christian Francisco
Alvarez,Oscar Javier
Anderson,Haley Elizabeth
Baltazar,Florenz Francis Diaz

Group 2

Barreda,Maria Jose
Bay,Peter Sim
Behzadian,Jonathan Reza
Bolden,Amber Cheyane

Group 3

Braverman,Madison Erin
Bursch,Daniel Jackson
Butler,Francesca Dominguez
Cameron I,Regan Kate
Carus,Devon Jaryd

Group 4

Castillo,Glenda Roxxana
Castro,Alyssa Nicole
Chadwick,Christopher Neil
Chiu,Maison Anne
Chovit,Nicole Lauren

Group 5

Chu,Meng Hsuan
Costanti,Steven Anders
Cucufate,Carlos Alberto
Dela Rosa,Aaron Virgil
Diaz,Erick Santiago
Diaz,Martin Antonio

Group 6

Dominguez,Bianca Naomi
Ekwedike,Ngozi Yvette
Esquivias,Cynthia Lizette
Farihi,Destiny Breanna

Group 7

Fernandes,Marlon Bernard
Fields,Jayson Kyle
Filosa,Jamie Janine
Garcia,Danielle Leslie

Group 8

Garcia,Julio Cesar
Garcia,Kamille Rodriguez
Gomez,Dominique Adriana
Guevara,Natalie Dolores
Gutierrez,Kimberly Sue

Group 9

Hana,Andrew Khalil
Hastie,Brianna Danielle
Householder,Gina Autumn
Johnson,Rebekah Katherine

Group 10

Kedis,Tyler Angelo
Kim,Christine Soomin
Le,Lainie D
Lee,Helen Haeyeon
Lee,Jennifer Yang

Group 11

Lee,Kyu Jung
Madrigal,Carlos Marvin
Mandias,Hannah Caroline

Group 12

McGuinness,Shannon Michelle
McMahon,Dorothyrose Williams
Mendoza Rios,Daniel
Mervosh,Hunter Morgan Uli Lani

Group 13

Miller,Mia Elizabeth
Minert,Zachary Blue
Miranda IV,Francisco
Montgomery,RaVen Catherine
Moore,Christopher Morgan Riley

Group 14

Nhem,Brandon Chap
Ooi Jing Huan
Pallett,Symone Nicole
Perez,Leah Jennifer

Group 15

Phung,Leon Anh
Plantenga,Gregory Dennis
Pleitez,Jerry Antonio
Poyer,Molly Patricia
Prasad,Shayenne Devina

Group 16

Ramirez,Elidia Rosario
Ramos Lopez,Jhonatan Alexander
Reyna,Margarita Rios
Robielos,Ciprian John
Ronning,Annalisa Marie

Group 17

Ruiz Moreno,Zahid
Sanchez,Anthony Alexis
Satterfield,Aaron C
Shaver,Regan Marie

Group 18

Shinno,Katherine Ruiko
Shishido,Kyle K
Siongco,Colleen Mae
Stevens,Megan Louise
Stouras,John Alec
Tabar,Jazlyn Marie

Group 19

Tan,Kordell Bernaldez
Tim,Crysta Nicole
Topete,Cassandra Victoria
Tran,Tiffany Thuy

Group 20

Van Gilder,Tiffany Lyn
Vega Jr,Enrique
Velazquez,Rosa Maria

Group 21

Watson,Charles Gregory
Williams,Christopher Robert
Woods,Tareena T
Yee,Elijah Gar-kit

Art 110 students at the CSULB School of Art (SOA) Art Gallery Courtyard
Art 110 students at the CSULB School of Art (SOA) Art Gallery Courtyard


24 responses to “Wk 1 Welcome 2 Spring ’16!”

  1. Christine kim Avatar
    Christine kim

    Group 10: Christine Kim, Tyler Kedis, Valerie laslo, Lainie Le, Jennifer Lee, Helen Lee

    Stelarc exhibits his art through his own body where as Francesca uses images of other females & herself to convey her message. Stelarc’s works often incorporates forms of technology ranging from an interactive prosthetic head to an extra ear. Francesca’s works on the other hand consist of black and white photographs with minimal use of props and a focus on a subject. Both artists have a common theme: pain.

  2. l Hastie,Brianna Danielle/Hernandez,Gabriela/ Householder,Gina Autumn /Hyun,Joshua /JohnsonRebekah Katherine Avatar
    l Hastie,Brianna Danielle/Hernandez,Gabriela/ Householder,Gina Autumn /Hyun,Joshua /JohnsonRebekah Katherine

    Group 9 – Francesca Woodman photographed images of women, mostly naked and faces unable to depict. Although these women were naked in no way where they sexualized. Her work is simplistic but also dark and mysterious. Unlike Stelarc who’s work is innovated and seems more experimental. He is taking the human body and modifying it. We believe Stelarc is he trying to make us think about the human body differently while Woodman is trying to show the natural beauty of the body.

    Hastie,Brianna Danielle
    Householder,Gina Autumn
    Johnson,Rebekah Katherine

  3. Alyssa Castro, Eduardo Castillo, Maison Chiu , Christopher Chadwick, Nicole Chovit, Glenda Castillo Avatar
    Alyssa Castro, Eduardo Castillo, Maison Chiu , Christopher Chadwick, Nicole Chovit, Glenda Castillo

    After reading up on Francesca Woodman and Stelarc and viewing their work our group noticed that both artists work focus on the human body and exhibit their own body. However, they’re different in the fact that Francesca Woodman’s work is more emotionally based, while Stelarc’s was more scientifically based.

  4. Group Members: Braverman,Madison Brenes,Xiomara Bursch,Daniel Butler,Francesca Cameron ,Regan Carus,Devon Avatar
    Group Members: Braverman,Madison Brenes,Xiomara Bursch,Daniel Butler,Francesca Cameron ,Regan Carus,Devon

    Francesca Woodman is a wonderful artist who we think uses an immense amount of feelings in each of her photos. We found that a majority of her images are of a person alone, and in black in white, which made us believe that the person is resembling one being lonely, vulnerable and having personal inner conflict. On the other hand, we thought Stelarc’s work was very intense and interesting. We wondered what went through his mind to want to go through all these body modifications and what his deeper meaning for all of his work is. Although, immediately we did not know what his work was saying, every project made us ponder on his thoughts and his creative ways. Overall, we found that both artists use themselves in their work and are exploiting the human body. Additionally both of their work is very intense, dark and tend to have solemn facial expressions.

    Group Members:
    Cameron ,Regan

  5. Marvin Madrigal Avatar
    Marvin Madrigal

    Group 11

    Francesca Woodman was an interesting and quite different artist who made an effort to capture ‘ghost’ in a different way, Taking a dark, non sexualized nudity, using still images. Unfortunately she did commit suicide at age 22.

    While Stelarc took also a different take on being an artist, pushing the boundaries of the human body while incorporating a factor of mechanical features or machine like features to the human body.

    Carlos Marvin Madrigal
    Kyu Jung Lee
    Justin Marquez
    Leon A Phung
    Adilene Leon
    Hannah Caroline Mandias
    Alexander Lucero

  6. crystatim Avatar

    Though there are some similarities between the work of Woodman and Stelarc have some similarities, such as the interest in human form, the medium of photography, and use of black and white, the two artists produce works that are largely very different from one another. While Woodman’s work revolves around the female form in different women, Stelarc’s work is entirely self portraiture. Stelarc’s work explores the mechanics of the body whilst Woodman’s work explores the relation of the body to the environment which it is in. Woodman limits her work to black and white while Stelarc uses both b&w and color. Both artists explore pain, but the difference lies within the types of pain; Woodman explores emotional pain for the most part and Stelarc explores physical pain.

    Tabar,Jazlyn Marie
    Tan,Kordell Bernaldez
    Tim,Crysta Nicole
    Topete,Cassandra Victoria
    Tran,Tiffany Thuy

    1. crystatim Avatar

      Group 19

  7. Valentina Ramirez Avatar
    Valentina Ramirez

    Our group found Francesca Woodman’s artwork dark and expressive based off the mood of her portraits and the way she ended her life. We thought the fact that she suffered from depression explains the darkness of her art/portraits. In comparison we found Stelarc’s artwork more odd. Although some people may find it entertaining, and amusing we found it rather weird/disturbing.
    Group Members: Valentina Ramirez, Ciprian Robielos, Margarita Reyna, Jhonatan Ramos, Elidia Ramirez, Annie Ronning

  8. Christopher Williams Avatar
    Christopher Williams

    Francesca Woodman’s work appears dark and gritty but represents realism. Stelarc’s work seemed weird but interesting because he pushes the boundaries by integrating machines into his performances. He also uses his own body as a template for his art, and sometimes permanently alters himself (placing a working ear on his arm).

    Charles Watson
    Tareena Woods
    Elijah Yee
    Ramtin Yousefi
    Christopher Williams

  9. Regan Shaver Avatar
    Regan Shaver

    Our group found the work of Stelarc to usually incorporate technology to push the limits of the human body. We thought his implementation of an ear into this forearm was a very weird idea, but also interesting. We thought the work of Francesca Woodman was usually rather dark. Often, the women were blurred or with missing faces, seeming to say that they weren’t individuals or weren’t there at all.

    Regan Shaver
    Hilario Saucedo
    Anthony Sanchez
    Lorena Rubakcava
    Aaron Satterfield
    Zahid Ruiz Moreno

  10. Symone Pallett Avatar
    Symone Pallett

    Group 14:
    We felt that the two artists really focus on the human body. Woodman’s art was more focused on women’s bodies. We found it really depressing but very realistic. Stelarc’s art was much more futuristic and was really focused on the actual parts of the body.

    Nhem,Brandon Chap
    Ooi Jing Huan
    Pallett,Symone Nicole
    Perez,Leah Jennifer

  11. Addonizio,Jessica Aguirre,Christian Francisco Alvarez,Oscar Javier Anderson,Haley Elizabeth Andrade,Andrew Baltazar,Florenz Francis Diaz Avatar
    Addonizio,Jessica Aguirre,Christian Francisco Alvarez,Oscar Javier Anderson,Haley Elizabeth Andrade,Andrew Baltazar,Florenz Francis Diaz

    Both artists have a dark theory behind them,they use unconventional techniques for their art. One thing we noticed was that both artists had a form of dissatisfaction either with their life or their body and both works were painful, Stelarc was physically painful while Francesca was emotionally painful. Both artists work reflected their personal feelings, Francesca battled depression and her work was dark, and Stelarc thought the human body was obsolete so he pushed his body to the boundaries.
    -Group 1-
    Aguirre,Christian Francisco
    Alvarez,Oscar Javier
    Anderson,Haley Elizabeth
    Baltazar,Florenz Francis Diaz

  12. Shayenne Prasad Avatar
    Shayenne Prasad

    The most interesting thing we found out was Francesca committed suicide on one of our group members birthday which was the first day we met January 19th and that she was mainly interested in gothic fiction and she didn’t want to show her face in her first picture. Another interesting thing we found was that Stelarc basically doesn’t have many boundaries regarding the human body; for example growing an ear on his body. And his art defines his personality. By: Shayenne Prasad, Molly Poyer, Jerry Pleitez, Greg Plantenga, Enrique Plascencia

  13. Dot McMahon Avatar
    Dot McMahon

    Group 12:
    McGuinness,Shannon Michelle
    McMahon,Dorothyrose Williams
    Mendoza Rios,Daniel
    Mervosh,Hunter Morgan Uli Lani

    Francesca Woodman’s work is very intriguing to us. The black and white photographs bring out a haunted feeling. The way in which she blends material objects and the human body gives off a materialist point of view of the body, as if the body is not its own being but belongs to its surroundings. The artist Stelarc is also a very interesting artist but even more disturbing. He seems to push the bodies limits in what its own definition is. Stelarc displays the body in a mechanical form. The emotions evoked from his artwork is disgust. Stelarc seems to wanting to shock you with his work. The way he levitates his body demonstrates the unimportance of human form, rather the significance of the spirit that withholds it from inside. Both of these artists are very haunting and some what creepy to view. They both use the human body to exemplify different ideas of what the body means. They both view the body as more than just a physical form.

  14. jonathanbehzadian Avatar

    group 2 thoughts and comments:
    I felt that both artists touched on body acceptance. With Woodman a lot of the pictures had the subjects faces obscured or blurred. i thought that could represent shame. with stelarc i thought. Comparing the two, they presented themselves in their works that show the pain the human body can go through in life.the difference between them is that woodman appeared to show more of a conservative side and stelarc was more out there for his art. both of the artists works seemed timid but soon got comfortable with showing certain things. I feel like both artist have the common theme of the body and the way they feel about their body’s and how others can see body’s through different perspectives.

    Barreda,Maria Jose
    Bay,Peter Sim
    Behzadian,Jonathan Reza
    Bolden,Amber Cheyane

  15. Kimberly Gutierrez Avatar
    Kimberly Gutierrez

    We see both Francesca and Stelarc share a similarity in their artworks with the way they center it around themselves. Also, both bring out the emotion of pain, in a different and creepy way. Francesca’s use of black and white portrays an emotion that color wouldn’t be able to capture, but we see how both artists have an appreciation for the human body and how extraordinary it is and how they see it as a piece of artwork on its own.
    – Group 8-
    Garcia, Julio
    Garcia, Kamille
    Godinez, Alanna
    Gomez, Dominique
    Guevara, Natalie
    Gutierrez, Kimberly

  16. Elizabeth Moledo Avatar
    Elizabeth Moledo

    Elizabeth Moledo,David Brown, Konomi Ishigaki, Annette Lee, reuben dyce,Alfonso Madrigal, Anthony Estalilla

    Francesca Woodman used images of herself and other females to show her own emotions. We thought that because her pictures were only black and white it showed a dark, depressed side of her. Stelarc’s art is exotic and one of a kind. We found it crazy that he used his own body to convey his message even if there was pain involved. But both artists use bodies as their artwork and main focus.

  17. Patrick Dong Avatar

    Group 6: Dominguez, Bianca Naomi; Dong, Patrick; Echiveste, Leslie; Ekwedike, Ngozi Yvette; Esquivias, Cynthia Lizette; Farihi, Destiny Breanna

    Francesca Woodman’s work of photography really shows a lot of emotions which have a lot of reasons behind them. When I observed Francesca Woodman’s photos, I believed she was trying to send a message to all the viewers; I think that message probably says something like “Sexual slaves, mistreatment, abuse; once one of these happens to someone, it may end up haunting them for the rest of their lives. So be careful.”

    Stelarc’s art is a lot more of himself then of other people comparing to Francesca Woodman. We felt like Stelarc was trying to show that there’s a probability, even though we all know it’s impossible, for humans to evolve to a whole new level of being robot humans. At the same time, we also thought that Stelarc was trying to get everyone to connect to him as if he was spreading the words about himself to everyone by a method that no one has ever seen before–installing technology inside himself.

  18. jamiefilosa Avatar

    We thought that Francesca Woodman’s photography was dark but portrayed a lot of emotion. We thought it was beautiful in a kind of twisted way. Stelarc summed up in one word is just interesting. The way he combined his body with the machines was really interesting to us as well as slightly disturbing. We were all taken a back especially the Suspension exhibit.

    I apologize for the late post, one of the group members had said they would post our comment but must have forgotten in the shuffle to get to their next class or something! I just wanted to make sure our group’s comment was up!

    Group Names:

    Fernandes,Marlon Bernard
    Fields,Jayson Kyle
    Filosa,Jamie Janine
    Garcia,Danielle Leslie

  19. Aaron Dela Rosa Avatar
    Aaron Dela Rosa

    Group 5:
    Chu,Meng Hsuan
    Costanti,Steven Anders
    Cucufate,Carlos Alberto
    Dela Rosa,Aaron Virgil
    Diaz,Erick Santiago
    Diaz,Martin Antonio

    Woodman’s work of contemporary art can serve as a reflection of her “troubled” life. They way in which she incorporates bleak attributes into her work suggests something similar to her lifestyle. The pattern is evident considering that various pieces have a similar mood in which the monochrome picture compliments the stark models.

    As for Stelarc, his style of performance art is similar to Woodman’s style in the sense that both artists bring forth a sense of pain. However, unlike Woodman, Stelarc incorporates physical pain as a signature mark of his works. His performances suggest that he makes an attempt to go beyond human boundaries and portray body parts in the most unconventional ways.

  20. megstevens2 Avatar

    Group 18:
    Shinno,Katherine Ruiko
    Shishido,Kyle K
    Siongco,Colleen Mae
    Stevens,Megan Louise
    Stouras,John Alec
    Tabar,Jazlyn Marie

    Stelarc uses technology to depict how society is well connected with electronics and machinery. He also uses the technology to enhance the human body in ways that it originally was not intended to be. Stelarc is not afraid to step out of his comfort zone and take risks with his art which may be considered out of the societal norm. Francesca Woodman’s work uses bland backgrounds to get viewers to focus on the human body instead of the surroundings. Her use of the black and white photography makes it look more raw and simple, as compared to color which can distract the viewer from her true intentions. Her work involves nude women and it does not seem sexualized but empowering. Both artists focus on body image but interpret them differently, Stelarc uses prosthetics and other objects to signify being different in the real world. Francesca Woodman’s work signifies a positive body image and being comfortable in your own skin in the most simple ways.

  21. Jesus Viramontes Avatar

    Group 20

    Van Gilder,Tiffany Lyn
    Vega Jr,Enrique
    Velazquez,Rosa Maria

    Francesca’s photos portray a unsettling tone through the expressions of the body. What she conveys in her photos is pain and distress, and the body plays a key part for it sets the tone. Stelarc photos are focused on showing that the human body is able to transform into a form that cannot feel pain. He adds prosthetic arms to show that with technology we are able to achieve a form that is indestructible. Both artist utilize the human body for their themes whether it is conveying pain or obtaining a different form.

  22. Mia Miller Avatar
    Mia Miller

    Group 13

    Stelarc was very experimental and done things no one had really done before. He shows things that you don’t want to look at but can’t look away.
    Francesca Woodman was very open, she showed us what she thinks of the world and her self because her pictures are a reflection of herself.

    Mia Miller
    Zak Minert
    Christopher Moore
    Francisco Miranda
    Carlos Nava
    Raven Montgomery

    ( I am sorry I accidentally put my group’s discussion on the the wrong page.)

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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