Photo of Jennifer Palacios standing outside the LA Louver Gallery in Venice, California, with 2 cans of Montana Gold spray paint, a shopping bag, and a purse in her hands

Wk5 Deep Ethnography

Photo of Jennifer Palacios standing outside the LA Louver Gallery in Venice, California, with 2 cans of Montana Gold spray paint, a shopping bag, and a purse in her hands
Who but Art110 badass (and #1 student this week) Jennifer Palacios takes cans of spray paint into an art gallery!!??

Respecting Art Galleries

Jennifer rocks! But the rest of us probably shouldn’t try that at home! Or at least not in any Art Galleries or Museums. The security guards will probably throw us out!

And when we’re in the SOA Galleries, please be really careful about the art. Please don’t touch it! If you’ve got a backpack on, be mindful of how much is behind you when you’re backing up to take a photo. Don’t lean on the walls or use the walls as a surface to put paper on to write on. Thank you for your care!

Points so Far

All points through Week 4 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 160. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:

160 points = “A+” pace – 83 peeps
144 points = “A” pace – 20 peeps, or 83+20=103 A’s
128 points = “B” pace – 9 peeps
112 points = “C” pace – 2 peeps
96 points = “D” pace – 3 peep
95 & below = “F” pace – 10 peeps

Armando de la Mora standing in front of his name on the Venice Beach Art Walls. The "o" in "Armando" is a round, black, bomb with a fuse
Armando’s the bomb! Photo of Armando de la Mora by Brianna Ortiz


  1. Jennifer Palacios – 268
  2. Armando De La Mora – 251
  3. Emily Snyder – 234
  4. Diana Nguyen – 234
  5. Tyler Nakashima – 233
  6. Kirlous Tadros – 230
  7. Kristine Nguyen – 207
  8. Jack Nguyen – 207
  9. Stephanie Chang – 206
  10. Vanessa Marquez – 205
animated GIF of students interviewing an artist at the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Complex
Conversation about the inspiring Art Education show in the CSULB Werby Gallery!

Activity: Deep Ethnography

The electric grid and the light bulb as we know them today are each around 100 years old. Your parents and grandparents may have known them as you do, but before 1915 or so, for 99,900 years or so, human beings did not. Obviously The Internet and Mobile Devices are much younger. In your 20-or-so years of life I’m sure you’ve seen change, but you’ve also had the constancy of light and electricity as your backdrop. Even though virtually none of the human beings who preceded you on this earth ever did.

What was human life like before electricity & the light bulb?

That’s a pretty huge question to ask. But we can get a small piece of an answer by spending one night in a time-traveling ethnographic adventure. See our Deep Ethnography Activity brief for full details!

Stephanie Chang painting Chinese characters in gold with a blue outline on an art wall
Stephanie Chang writing “Chang” in Chinese at the Venice Art Walls
Young guy sitting on top of a large metal bin with the name "Tyler" in black and green painted on it
Tyler Nakashima sitting on top of his name at the Venice Art Walls!
Shannelle Cruz sits on a low wall at Venice Beach, CA, where she's spray painted her name in vibrant blue letters with flowers
Shannelle Cruz sitting on her name at the Venice Art Walls!

Kayla Improves Her View

Kayla Sanchez was bored with the view out her window. So she used this week’s Activity to change a plain brick wall into something she enjoys looking at each morning when she opens the blinds:

pen and ink sketch for a graffiti mural

Kayla Sanchez with her home mural project

Kayla Sanchez bedroom window showing her graffiti cityscape out the window

Painting Clinic w Kristine Nguyen

SOA Galleries This Week!

September 20th-24th

Shannon Leith & Kimberly Morris, Photography & Sculpture – Gatov-West

Shannon Leith and Kim Morris create a dialogue between beauty and food through sculpture and photography.

Krista Tsukashima Group, Drawing & Painting – Gatov-East

Krista Tsukashima’s group drawing & painting exhibition focuses on the interplay between the collaborative and individual work of six artists exploring the effects of time and space on artistic vision.

Jaycen Mont Rios, Printmaking – Merlino-Gallery

Jaycen Mont Rios defines local aspects of South East Los Angeles using lithography.

Kiyomi Fukui, Printmaking – Dutzi-Gallery

Kiyomi Fukui presents an installation of small paper sculptures and sound that explore the notion of invisibility—seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard.

Joanie Ellen, Wood – Werby-Gallery

In I am Dirty—You are Dirty: Daybeds for the Soap in the Meisner Technique, Joanie Ellen uses an acting repetition exercise to explore the mastery of technique in wood and to define her identity as a craftsperson.

For details on what I’m looking for in your posts, see the Writing About Artist Conversations section of the syllabus!

Artist Tags

The tags for your Artist Conversations are:

Classmate Question OTW

What do you swim in?

Students at the CSULB School of Art, Gallery Complex making funny faces for the camera
Cindy Kim & Yeji Yang making faces.

Using Excerpts & Featured Images


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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