4 CSULB Students show off their plaster cast sculpltures

Wk 3 Social Photography

4 CSULB Students show off their plaster cast sculpltures
Plaster Casting at the Seal Beach PIer

Week 3

Great work on our Sculpture Experience (Plaster Casting) last week! This week, on to Social Photography (Instagram).

Full details about this week’s Activity are on our Social Photography page. The big mistake that a few people always make is to post pix during the day, but not to do a Blog Analysis of the Activity. Like ALL Activities, you should do a Blog Analysis of our Social Photography group portrait!

This week we also finally head over to the School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard between FA2 & FA3. We’re now on our regular schedule and will meet every Tuesday in UT-108 and every Thursday in The SOA Gallery Courtyard.

Points so Far

All points through Week 2 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 40. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:

36 points = “A” pace – 105 peeps
32 points = “B” pace – 11 peeps
28 points = “C” pace – 0 peeps
24 points = “D” pace – 0 peep
23 & below = “F” pace – 11 peeps

Jackie Tester in a white blouse and blue jeans sits on train tracks
Jackie Tester, 82/40 in 2 weeks! Rock on Jackie!


  1. Jackie Tester – 82
  2. Jasmynn Nguyen – 81
  3. Aida Gonzalez – 80
  4. Grace Kim – 79
  5. Emily Snyder – 79
  6. Diana Nguyen – 79
  7. Tyler Nakashima – 78
  8. Kim Pham – 78
  9. Tony Nguyen – 77
  10. Jennifer Palacios – 77
  11. Geraldine Meono – 77
  12. Chris Chang – 77
photo of Jasmynn Nguyen at the beach
Jasmynn Nguyen
Marina Barnes in a red Target shopping cart and covered with plush animals, some of which she is tossing joyously into the air with her arms outstretched in celebration and her feet sticking out the end of the cart
Marina Barnes

Marina Barnes

Art 110’s #1 student from last semester, Marina Barnes (1147/1000) is visiting us today! She’s working on a Special Project and she wants your help!

Marina Barnes basking high in a tree on the CSULB campus
Marina Barnes having a “Mina Show” moment.
CSULB Students show off plaster castings at Seal Beach
Judy Phan, Kristine Nguyen & Jacob Kim

SOA Galleries This Week!

September 6th-10th

Nicholas Bamford, Ceramics – Gatov-West & Gatov-East

Nicholas Bamford creates large-scale figurative sculptures and murals that serve as a narrative, immersive environment.

William Brigham, Metals & Jewelry – Merlino-Gallery

William Brigham presents an exploration of laminated materials and a manipulation of layers to create both simple and complex patterns in physical objects made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, ceramics, and wood.

Kyle Kruse, Printmaking – Dutzi-Gallery

Kyle Kruse’s printed installation focuses on the tactile and intimate experience associated with the shamanism of artmaking.

Art Education Group Show – Werby-Gallery

Art Education highlights the community-based art projects developed by Art Education majors in collaboration with “Woman to Woman,” “Art & Services for the Disabled,” and “Acacia Senior Center.”

For details on what I’m looking for in your posts, see the Writing About Artist Conversations section of the syllabus!

Artist Tags

The CSULB School of Art, Student Artists, are being generous with us. They galleries normally open at Noon, so they’re opening an hour early to talk to Art110. And they’re dealing with a big class like ours coming through their carefully assembled exhibition. And answering lots of questions from us! So lets try to thank them for their hospitality and for sharing their work with us. One great way to do this is to TAG your post. This gives them a tag they can click on to see all the posts we’ve written about them. The tags for your Artist Conversations are:

Grace Kim on a balcony and holding a child
Grace Kim
Millie Herrera is "shocked" by the way her plaster casting of her hand came out
Millie Herrera

Classmate Conversations

It’s funny, but the bigger the class is, the harder it seems to be to meet people. So in a big class like Art110 with 130 peeps, you’re surrounded by cool classmates, but it’s so weirdly easy not to meet them. So each Thursday in addition to a Conversation with an Artist, you’ll do a conversation with a classmate. Just pick anyone you don’t already know. You’ll meet a bunch of different classmates this semester, and by the end you’ll probably have at least a few new friends.

You can talk about anything in these conversations, ask each other questions, learn about backgrounds, interests, majors, hobbies, and so on. And you can look at and discuss some of the work in the SOA Galleries. Each week we’ll also have a Classmate Conversation Question of the Week for you to discuss. Since we talked about “Art & Fun” on Tuesday, that should be a great topic for you to discuss. It’s the beginning of the semester and a great time to ask yourself and each other “What is art?”

Try to avoid cliche’s here. They don’t really say very much. For example, peeps love to say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. That’s probably true, but where does it get me? What insight does it offer? Or is it just a thing that we’ve always said without thinking? Try to really think through the nature and purpose of Art in your own mind and in your own words. And discuss the idea of Art & Fun. Or Art vs Fun.

One of the most extraordinary paintings ever made was Pablo Picasso’s Guernica.

Guernica, by Pablo Picasso
Guernica, Pablo Picasso, 1937, oil on canvas, 11 ft 5 in tall x 25 ft 6 in wide.

Guernica was Picasso’s response to the horrors of war. Specifically to the bombing of Guernica, a Basque Country village in northern Spain, by German and Italian warplanes at the request of the Spanish Nationalists.

Is Art wide enough to include a work like Pablo Picasso’s Guernica and an Andy Warhol painting of a Campbell’s Soup can?

Perhaps the power and beauty of art is that it can include a Mozart Requiem, and a Taylor Swift song that you might sing and dance around the house to in your underwear.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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