screen cap of Samantha Focarino's website

Wk 2: Sculpture Experience

Great work in the 1st week everyone! 24 out of 24 of you got your websites & URLs online! Fantastic! No slow starting here! I’m really impressed and I hope you can keep the momentum going. Be sure to check in with each other and be supportive and helpful. Your points are up on Summer BeachBoard. On to Week 2!…

Looking at Week 1 Websites

I made a video for you. I take a look at some of your websites and give some feedback. I also talk about:
1. Informative Titles for your posts
2. Using SubHeadings
3. Adding Pix
4. Using Categories & Menus
5. Site Title & Site Tag Line
6. Syndication (Sharing)

Your Wk1 Websites from Glenn Zucman on Vimeo.

screen cap of Shamir Mohideen's website
Shamir Mohideen‘s website

Week 2 Activity – Plaster Casting!

I think this should be a fun project. You get to go to the beach for class credit! 🙂 You can go to any beach you like on any day you like. For those of you in the Long Beach area, I’ll go to the Seal Beach Pier on Thursday, June 5, from 10am – Noon and help anyone who comes by. It’s optional. And I’ll bring some iced tea in case you’re thirsty. Full details on the Wk 2 Activity Page

Week 2 Art History

The same format as last week: 2 videos & 1 discussion. Then blog your analysis of the ideas.

  • New Discussion Group List for Week 2
  • Use to help find a 1/2 hour to meetup
  • Try to do a Google Hangout on Video, I think they’ll be easier and more fun than the text chats some of you did. LMK if you have any questions or have any problems!

  • Art Talk #2: The Mind in the Cave

  • Artist OTW #2: Ana Mendieta


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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