Taylor Swift

Spring ’20 – Due Dates

Sunday Nights @ 11:59 pm

Each week’s work is due by 11:59 pm on Sunday night.
Be sure to allow extra time for crashed computers, down Internet, and other tragedies.
Here’s what’s due each week of the semester:

Week 1 – Sunday, Jan 26

  • Visit WordPress.com and make a free website. Copy the URL for your website, something like https://glennzucman.wordpress.com/ and paste it as a comment on our Roster Page

Week 2 – Sunday, Feb 2

  • Idea #1 – "Women’s Work" is also art – Activity blog post
  • Idea #2 – Abstraction is Freedom" – Activity blog post

Week 3 – Sunday, Feb 9

  • Idea #3 – You can Find Art everywhere! – Activity blog post

Week 4 – Sunday, Feb 16

  • Idea #4 – Drawing is also a Language – Activity blog post
  • Artist Conversation #1

Week 5 – Sunday, Feb 23

  • Idea #5 – Cameras Tell Stories – Activity blog post

Week 6 – Sunday, Mar 1

  • Idea #6 – Art can be Shocking! – Activity blog post
  • Artist Conversation #2

Week 7 – Sunday, Mar 8

  • Idea #7 – We need to talk about Beauty – Activity blog post

Week 8 – Sunday, Mar 15

  • Idea #8 – Your Realism is getting in the way of My Romanticism! – Activity blog post
  • Artist Conversation #3

Week 9 – Sunday, Mar 22

  • Idea #9 – Art is a good excuse to go to fun places – Activity blog post

Week 10 – Sunday, Mar 29

  • Idea #10 – Art is a good way to talk to your brain! – Activity blog post
  • Artist Conversation #4
  • Scantron Midterm in Class on Wed Mar 25 – bring Scantron 882-E

Spring Break! – Sunday, Apr 5

  • Nothing due!

Week 11 – Sunday, Apr 12

  • Idea #11 – Being yourself can be Art – Activity blog post

Week 12 – Sunday, Apr 19

  • Idea #12 – The Internet is an Art Gallery – Activity blog post

Week 13 – Sunday, Apr 26

  • Idea #13 – Art can be sustainable? – Activity blog post

Week 14 – Sunday, May 3

  • Idea #14 – The Street is a great place for Art – Activity blog post
  • Artist Conversation #5

Week 15 – Sunday, May 10

  • Idea #15 – Remix is the Art of Your Time! – Activity blog post

Final – Wednesday, May 13

  • Idea #16 – Art is a lot about Speech – Your Zine due in class at the Final

I stay out too late… but still post awesome blogs…


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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