anatomy of a can of spray paint

Spring ’15 Materials

Banner for Art110, Spring 2015


mobile phone
Your mobile devcice.

Wk 1: Website & URL – Optional (+30 EC)


We’re making Websites or ePortfolios on WordPress powers 22% of the web these days. It started as blogging software, and while it’s still great at that, it’s become a “CMS” or Content Management System. It’s a handy place to “turn in” your Art110 Activities, but in the long-run, even more importantly it can be Your Website! It can be a great platform to present yourself to the world. Your website on is free forever and your own domain name will cost about $18/year.

When you sign up you’ll get a URL like – you can optionally buy your own Domain Name, like It’s your website and your choice what URL you buy. But as a professional site for your career, something like will probably serve you better than something like

I think it’s a really good idea to buy a domain name. It gives you a sense of empowerment, making your website really yours. It’s more professional. And it’s just plain easier for peeps, be they friends & family, or HR Directors, to type in. But it’s your choice. A free “” is acceptable. If you choose to go for a custom “” I’ll “pay you back” with +30 of EC – OFFER ONLY GOOD DURING WEEK 1! EC will be posted with your regular points when I grade the Wk 1: Make a Website activities.

Wk 2: 3×5 Index Cards

photo of 3x5 index cards
Buy a package of 3×5 index cards to draw your ID card on, and turn in for daily attendance. Lined cards are ok. Unlined is better.

Wk 2: Spray Paint


You’ll need at least 2 colors of paint, but just buy 1 can and share colors with a classmate. Any spray paint is ok. Montana Gold is really great!

Wk 10: Plaster


You need some things that you can probably scrounge up somewhere:
• Bucket
• Shovel
• Stir Stick
And you’ll get some
1. Plaster of Paris – a 4# box for yourself is about $7 or you could get a 25# bag to share between 4 – 6 people for about $16

Other Materials

Whatever materials you might need to realize your vision on various Activities including A11 & A12.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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