Category: Fall ’13

  • Alma Haser’s 10 Seconds

    Alma Haser’s 10 Seconds

    Art110 joined Alma Haser’s 10 Seconds project. The idea is to set 2 cameras, a still photo camera on a 10 second timer, and a video camera pointed the same way. They you start them and run and hide. Sort of hide. Perhaps more like, “get small.” Here are Haser’s…

  • Media Camp: New Beginnings

    Media Camp: New Beginnings

    New Beginnings is a short film that was shot, edited, post-produced, scored, and screened all in 10 hours at this semester’s Art110 Media Camp. The project is by: Cameron Fong Jonathan Martinez Miriam Hernandez Velveth Alarcon Guadalupe Villegas Lysette Velarde

  • Instagram Day: #art110f13life

    Instagram Day: #art110f13life

    It’s Photography week, and Insgagram day, in Art 110. For the 24 hours of Thursday Sept 19 our 162-student community is snapping pix of whatever is going on in their life and hashtagging them #art110f13life. Over the weekend we’ll each review our group day and Tout about the experience and…

  • Let’s Go Plaster Casting!

    Let’s Go Plaster Casting!

    Hi Guys! Nice meeting you yesterday! I hope to see many of you at the Seal Beach Pier tomorrow. Here’s some info on a few topics: • Due This Week • Plaster Casting • International Students • Tout • Lock Art110 Talk Registrations • Library Books

  • Welcome to Art110!

    Welcome to Art110!

    Hi guys! Welcome to CSULB! Welcome to the 2013-2014 academic year! And welcome to Art110! Below is a little welcome video for you. And here’s 2 links to get you started. • Materials List: • Talk Page: