Artwork made of scantron forms

Lydia’s Scantron Art EC Contest

Like many of you, Lydia was feeling a little frustrated with all the Scantron forms in her life. Then she had a great idea – let’s make Scantron Art! You can use Scantron to make any sort of art you like: Bubble Mosaics, Paint on it, Sculpt with it, anything you like as long as it’s got Scantron in it!

When you finish your Scantron Art piece, just add it to this Flickr group:

(Yes, you’ll have to join Flickr (free & easy) and join the group (free & easy))

You can have 10 points of EC for every piece you enter by midnight Sunday, up to a total of 5 entries per person. So up to 50 points possible! After the deadline Lydia will pick a few extra special pieces for bonus points.

Special Rules

  1. Do not bribe or harass Lydia. But you can still talk to her! 😀
  2. Do not plagiarize other people’s Scantron Art! MAKE YOUR OWN!

A few samples for inspiration

Artwork made of scantron forms
Write in bubbles!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Draw in bubbles!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Draw on bubbles!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Use a scantron to compose music!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Use a Scantron for a biology sequence or crystal or symmetry design!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Make a Scantron machine!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Make a Scantron paper sculpture of some kind. Or maybe of something you can wear, like a bra!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Make wearable Scantron, like shoes!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Paint your nails in Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Encourage someone with Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Make an artwork OF a scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Draw your dreams on Scantron!
Cuss with Scantron!
Cuss with Scantron!
Sketch with Scantron!
Sketch with Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Illustrate with Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Go nuts with Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Smile with Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Claim your independence from Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Get over Scantron!
Artwork made of scantron forms
Artwork made of scantron forms
Have Happy Holidays with Scantron!


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