Fall ’20 – Syllabus

Art 110:
Introduction to the Visual Arts

  • Section 2: Class No. 3609, Mon-Wed 3:30 – 4:45 pm
  • Classroom: https://csulb.zoom.us/my/glennz
  • Instructor: Glenn Zucman
  • Contact: glenn.zucman@csulb.edu
  • Graduate Assistant: Virginia Castaneda
  • Office Hours: M 12:50-1:30, MW 4:45-5:25 pm PDT
  • Office: https://csulb.zoom.us/my/glennz
  • Final: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 – 2:45 – 4:45pm
  • Format: Online, Synchronous
  • Exams: None
  • Textbook: The Internet
  • Prerequisites: None


The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Art and Ideas as practiced in the 21st century. Students will try a range of art media including traditional tools & new media. Student discussions will compare and contrast contemporary artists. Students will visit the LBSU School of Art Galleries, see the work of 4-5 different student artists, have conversations with the artists, and write blog posts about the work.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Describe some of the styles, ideas, and issues found in the Western canon.
  • Understand and articulate some of the ways that art functions vis-à-vis human culture
  • Build upon their direct, introductory experiences, in Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Animation, and Data Visualization in both Physical and Virtual worlds
  • Articulate their understanding of the relationship between art and: culture, speech, creativity, expression.
  • Describe the role of the artist in culture/society.

16 Ideas About Art

For each of the 16 weeks of Spring 2020 (15 weeks + Final) we’ll focus on one Idea About Art. We’ll have discussions in class and we’ll use our weekly activities to help work through each of our Ideas About Art.

No Late Work

Work is due by 11:59 pm PDT on Sunday nights. No late work is accepted.

Original Work

Please read the Cheating & Plagiarism section of the CSULB Catalog. Your work should be yours. If you plagiarize in this course I will report you to the Chair of your Department, and the Dean of your LBSU College.

New Work

Please do not turn in old work. This course consists of a series of activities to do now in the context of this class and in resonance with your classmates. Please do not search your phone for something you did last year and try to turn it in for this class.

Points & Grades

  • Attendance: 15 x 2 points = 30
  • Art Activities: 16 x 10 points = 160
  • Artist Essays: 4 x 15 points = 60
  • Idea Essays: 2 x 20 points = 40
  • Discussion: 5 posts x 2 points = 10 points/week x 15 weeks = 150 points
  • Final: 20 points

Course Total Possible = 450 points

  • 405 points = 90% = A
  • 360 points = 80% = B
  • 315 points = 70% = C
  • 270 points = 60% = D
  • 269 & below = F

Alternate Activities

Most of the Art Activities this semester should inspire you and be enjoyable. Perhaps for one reason or another an Activity will be uncomfortable for you. If it is slightly out of your comfort zone, I might ecourage you to give it a try and expand your comfort zone just a little. But if an Art Activity ever feels too uncomfortable for you just let me know and we can come up with an alternate weekly Art Activity for you.


The School of Art grants incompletes rarely and only for the most extreme conditions.

Withdrawal Deadlines

  • Deadline to drop without "W" grade, MyCSULB Student Center by 10:00 pm, September 7, 2020
  • Withdraw from all classes w signature, Director, School of Art: November 20, 2020
  • Catastrophic Withdrawal Request: December 11, 2020

Setting your Preferred Name

When the name you use in class doesn’t match the name the university grades you by, it can be confusing. It makes more work for me and uncertainty for you. Fortunately, it’s easy to set your "Preferred Name" to the name you prefer to use:

The Right to be Forgotten

You might find a picture of you or your work in my weekly blog post. I will never show your work and say this is what not to do. I will only show your work and say Look at what a beautiful job Maddy did last week! I hope you feel good about this. But even if you do, it’s possible that you don’t want your photo or name on this website. If I ever post a photo of you, or your work, or list your name, or a link to your website, and you’d rather not have that here, just LMK. You can ask me to take something down today, tomorrow, next week, next year, or next decade. You never have to give me a reason. You only have to give me the URL where the item you’d like taken down is. It’s always up to you.


LBSU will make reasonable accommodations for any student who has different needs. It is your responsibility to notify me in advance of the need for special accommodations. This course uses many activities and many tools. Most of you should have no trouble with any of this, however, if anyone has challenges with any course aspect for any reason, please be in touch ASAP and we can work to find suitable alternatives. A sincere effort should result in real learning and a good grade, so never be afraid to ask for any accommodations you need, but do make a sincere effort.

Basic Needs

Any student who is facing academic or personal challenges due to difficulty in affording groceries/food and/or lacking a safe and stable living environment is urged to contact the CSULB Student Emergency Intervention & Wellness Program. The website outlining the resources available is csulb.edu/basicneeds. Students can also e-mail supportingstudents@csulb.edu or call 562/985.2038. You can also reach out to me if I can help identify additional resources.

Wendy Ha, Art 110, Spring 2020.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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