photo of art110 art kit

Fall 13 Materials

photo of art110 art kit

Most of our weekly projects will use things you already have, like shooting pix & vids with your smart phone. Since we go to “The Beach” I thought we should actually go to the beach! 😀

The very first week we’re heading over to nearby Seal Beach Pier (or any beach you want) for our 3D Sculpture experience. We’ll make plaster casts of our hands or feet. You need some things that you can probably scrounge up somewhere:
• Bucket
• Shovel
• Stir Stick
And you’ll get some
1. Plaster of Paris – a 4# box for yourself is about $7 or you could get a 25# bag to share between 4 or 5 or even 6 people for about $16

In the 2nd & 3rd weeks we’ll try our hand at some 2D art. In week 2 we’ll sketch our name in “Bubble Letters” and then in Week 3 we’ll head over to the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls to paint your name in bubble letters. You’ll need at least 2 colors of paint, but just buy 1 can and share colors with a classmate.
2. Can of spray paint, eg Montana Gold @Dick Blick Art Supply is $7 (204 colors to choose from)

Later in the semester we’re going to launch your ePortfolio. Our university doesn’t yet have ePortfolio guidelines and to be honest I think it’s the largest hole in your university experience ATM. We already know that every career opportunity you apply for you’re going to be Googled (or Yahoo’d or Bing’d) so why not have something great for employers, groups, and even potential dates to find. Here’s Clemson University’s ePortfolio guidlines. We can use a free website for you to start your career portfolio. All you’ll have to pay for is
3. Domain Name & Mapping $18

That’s mostly it for project materials. We also have 3 small books and we’re going to use iClickers.
4. iClicker1 or iClicker2 or iClicker+ (but NOT “webClicker”) New or used, buy or rent, in the bookstore or online, or another student. Wherever you get your iClicker, and even if you used it last semester, YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR iCLICKER TO GET POINTS!!!

Our 3 books are from the Thames & Hudson “World of Art” series:
5. The Body in Contemporary Art, by Sally O’Reilly
6. Graffiti and Street Art, by Anna Waclawek
7. Internet Art, by Rachel Greene

In the bookstore each book is new for about $20 or used for about $12. Or you can look online.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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