On 5 April ’17 Karen Kleinfelder and I presented the v2017b draft of the Art111 SCO to the SOA Curriculum Committee and received the following feedback:
Expand Justification – history, rationale, make a stronger case for the importance of this class – updating an existing class
Typos & Formatting
- two, not 2
- 4-1-a – measurable benchmarks – bold, underline (skip a space) – Evaluation instruments, etc
- Must be a Word Doc (.docx)
- Assessment – not 35% (30)
- “Attempt” weekly art activities – Attempt is a poor word choice. Use measurable words like demonstrate, complete, perform, execute
- confront fears – this is a reasonable concept, but a poor word choice. Try to say this in Art Language, like: demonstrate an ability to express themselves in art genres. Try to contextualize the idea of “risk taking” in an art context.
- Put taking risks into more of an SOA context / language – make it make sense to visual art, to your strategies as skill development: question instead of confront
- Language used in Benchmarks & Skill Development will be scrutinized. Don’t raise flags! But still express what you believe in.
Art Experiences
- Too many? Have fewer assignments?
- Organize VI Methods of instruction so it’s clearer that it’s a mix.
- Reduce number of experiences and add Critique & Revise?
- Project sequence: Benchmarks: roughs, sketches, process…
- Curate an exhibition of 10 classmate works and why you chose them.
- Focus on student growth, vs sampling or busywork – do something & then get critical feedback. Don’t just move on to the next thing. Build on things. Revisit things. Take it further.
- Not just a lot of experiences.
- More like exercises than making finished artworks?
Course Structure
- What are the core concepts of the class that are built through all these activities & experiences? Work toward understanding a set of core concepts. Build…
- How is this class integrating with the broader SOA curriculum? Way to remain what it is, but also integrate aspects of SOA strengths?
- Synthesize more with SOA
- Make more sense with our School
- Incorporate SOA Minors (non GE classes will be open to the whole university. Define this class in a more specific way)
- “Art Appreciation” class.
- Experiential approach to understanding art making practices
- As is, the SLOs are written more for a studio art class. Shift them more to Art Appreciation. Focus on, and use, making as a component to Appreciating Art.
- Frame it in a way that helps them understand the issues that go into work. Help them understand the process of how a painter makes decisions. We do not want students talking about “finger painting”.

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?