Video Production
The title pretty much explains this week’s Art Experience: “Group” “Video” “Activity”! 😀
- Form groups of 2-5 classmates
- Pick a theme or topic
- Make your video
- Upload it to Vimeo or YouTube
- All team members can embed the same video on their web page and each person can write their own post about the experience: what you tried to do, how the process went, how you feel about your result, what you might do different next time, and so on.
Tech Stuff
You don’t have to do or use anything fancy. But you can if you want to. You can shoot with a phone. Or if somebody has a real video camera, you can use that. You can edit in camera if you want to, or you can do some simple editing. Or you can do fancy editing. You don’t have to do special effects, but you can if you want to.
The same goes for costumes, locations, your script and everything else, let your ambition be your guide!
You can set your video to Public or Unlisted. After the class is over you can change it to Private or you can delete it. But be sure I can actually see your video for grading.
Themes / Topics
Music/ Performance
- Recreate a music video
- Cover of a song
- Dance/Choreography
- College Life
- #CollegeProbs
- Act out a break-up
- Friendships
- Family
Real Problems
- Racial
- Bullying
Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?