
Blue Banner with "Spring '16" in yellow letters

triptych of SnapChat screen caps

triptych of SnapChat screen caps

1. Draw

Our mission this week is to try some Drawing & Sharing with Snapchat. Anytime during our Gallery Day on Thursday, please do 2 “Snapchat Drawings”. By Snapchat Drawing all I really mean is to take a snap of anything: A Street Scene, A Selfie, The SOA Galleries, whatever you like, and then use the Snapchat drawing and text tools to “illustrate” it. You might color things that are in the photo, or you might draw in whole new elements that aren’t there. Have fun!

2. Connect

Please leave your Snapchat username in a comment on this post. As always, you can use your “real” Snapchat, or you can make a special one just for Art110, whatever you prefer. Then follow a bunch of peeps from the comments here. You don’t necessarily have to follow everyone, but try to follow a bunch.

3. Share

On Thursday, post your 2 drawings and any other snaps to your Story and to any peeps you choose. Take screen shots of your 2 drawings and of drawings from 2 other peeps. Snap and share as much as you can today!

4. Blog

In your write-up post your 4 pix: 2 by you and 2 from classmates. Then analyze the Snapchat experience.

Throughout history artists have had “dialogs” with each other. Matisse and Picasso “spoke” through a series of paintings; the book I Send You this Cadmium Red chronicles an exchange of letters between John Berger and John Christie. Do you think your Snapchat “dialog” with an Art110 classmate shares any of the qualities of these famous conversations?



73 responses to “Snapchat”

  1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Hey guys, on Snapchat I’m: glenn_irs

    Nobody needs to add me! But you’re welcome to if you feel like it.

    (if you follow me, I’ll follow you back – which might be good or bad, depending on your perspective)

    1. Alfonso Avatar


    2. elidiar Avatar
  2. jonathanbehzadian Avatar

    rezadent_alien add me 🙂

  3. elizabethmoledo Avatar

    snapchat username: elizabethmoledo 😀👍🏼

  4. Nicole Chovit Avatar
    Nicole Chovit

    Snapchat: niccho16 😄

  5. halalublog Avatar

    Snapchat: halalu27 Add me😊

  6. Nancy Tran Avatar
    Nancy Tran

    Snapchat: nancytran7

  7. jennifer19026 Avatar

    Snapchat: jennifer19026

  8. leessandy Avatar

    Snapchat: leessandy

  9. artsyash Avatar

    Snapchat: ashleykbee

  10. Tyler Kedis Avatar

    Snapchat: cowboy_kedis

  11. dominiquegomezcsulb Avatar

    Snapchat: dominiquegomez9

  12. Molly Poyer Avatar

    Snapchat: mollypatricia

  13. Erick Diaz Avatar
    Erick Diaz


  14. Josh Avatar


  15. Cassandra Topete Avatar
    Cassandra Topete


  16. Helen Avatar


  17. Elijah Yee Avatar
    Elijah Yee


  18. Morgan Moore Avatar
    Morgan Moore


  19. Christine Avatar


  20. Tiffany tran Avatar

    Snapchat: tiffyfishyy

  21. Amber Bolden Avatar

    👻: superduperambie

  22. Bianca Dominguez Avatar
    Bianca Dominguez


  23. Ngozi Avatar

    Hey guys add me! nozgoz 😋

  24. Charles Watson Avatar

    Charles Watson


  25. Carlos Nava Avatar

    Add me! 🙋🏼 sc: ceelohs

  26. Jazlyn Avatar

    snapchat: jaztabar

  27. Martin Diaz Avatar
    Martin Diaz

    Snapchat: Martindiazz

  28. Regan Avatar

    SC: regan-k

  29. franciscomirandablog Avatar

    New SnapChat name…. thefrankster95

  30. Sam Avatar
  31. Catherine Chin Avatar

    Catherine Chin
    snapchat: nekohy

  32. cynthiaalizette Avatar
  33. Leon Anh Phung Avatar
    Leon Anh Phung


  34. art110shanmc Avatar

    Snapchat: shanbrightside

  35. Jesus Viramontes Avatar
  36. vramirez1993 Avatar

    Snapchat: ohhvalery

  37. lanna Avatar

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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