ePortfolio, Spring 2014

Beyond “turning in your homework” I urge you to work to make your blog an “ePortfolio” that will serve you at CSULB and beyond.

Cool story: Jenny Lawson, AKA The Bloggess, didn’t think anyone would even want to read her irreverent tales, but because of her blog, an agent discovered her and insisted on publishing her book: Let’s Pretend this Never Happened (a mostly true memoir) debuted at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List. Her blog got her a book deal, and now her book is bringing more people to her blog.

Your Website!

Your blog can be totally yours! Make the look and feel be about Physical Training, or Cars, or Biology Research, or Cosplay. It’s your site, express your identity, create your community, and reach out to your public.

The Art110 Part

All you have to do for Art110 is to have a Drop-Down Menu or something like it, to easily find your Art110 activities.

For full credit each post should include:

  1. Title with week, topic & subject
  2. Full Name of the artist or classmate
  3. Link to their website
  4. Tagged with their name (video #3 below shows you how to do this)
  5. Photo of the artist or their work, or of you and your classmate.
  6. Text: 2 or 3 well written, insightful paragraphs.

Sample Titles

  • Wk 1: Artist Interview: Brianna Allen
  • Wk 2: Classmate Interview: Ida Bohlin
  • Wk 3: Activity: Instagram Portrait

(the Activities for weeks 1 & 2 are a little different. Wk1 is your site itself, and Wk2 is your “AboutMe” vlog, embedded on an About page)

Sample Tags

  • briannaallen
  • idabohlin
  • csulbinstagram

Help Vid #1 – Getting Started

WordPress.com • Domain Names • Themes • Naming Posts • Adding Text & Images •

You can get a Website / Blog at WordPress.com. You can get your URL there at the same time. Once you have your “Me.com” domain name, leave it as a comment on this post and we’ll assemble our class roster.

Help Vid #2 – Form & Function

Help Vid #3 – Tagging our Artists!

We’d like to make it easy for artists, or anyone else, to find the posts we’ve written about them, and here’s a fast & easy way to do it:

A few sample tags:


Looking for the Art110 Roster? It’s now at: Art110 Roster, Spring 2014


339 responses to “ePortfolio, Spring 2014”

  1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Hi, I’m Glenn Zucman and my website is:

    1. Tevin Avatar

      Hi I am Tevin Allen and my website is justtevin.com

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Oh hey Tevin – I see what you mean! Sorry I missed this! But anyway, you’re on the list now. TY!

    2. Olivia Sugarman Avatar

      Hi! I am Olivia Sugarman and my website is oliviasugarman.com

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Great Olivia, thank you!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      awesome Lauren! But I am asking you to buy a domain name. So not “laurenlanger.wordpress.com” buy your own “laurenlanger.com”

      After that… poke around and make it look like a great representation of you!

      1. Cristina Avatar

        Hi Glenn, I purchased a domain name, but every time I view my profile it is still wordpress.com. Does it take time to change?

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Hey Cristina – hmm… I know I responded to this question somewhere… wonder where that reply went?

          Anyway… if I go to WP.com and buy glennzucman.com, they will actually give my 2 url’s:


          so if they didn’t switch it over to use your new “me.com” you can do it manually.

          Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains

          there you’ll probably see the 2 versions and one of them had a radio button hilited that says “primary.” If you want the other one, just click it, and then click “Update Primary Domain”

          And don’t forget to LMK what your URL is! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Rogelio, you’re the 1st! 😀

  2. Samantha Palmer Avatar
    Samantha Palmer


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Job Samantha, and very cool URL!

  3. Jessica Mercurius Avatar

    I don’t know how to get rid of the “dotnet”

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Jessica, it looks like you may have accidentally bought “artforthoughtdotnet.com” which probably isn’t the best name. I think WordPress.com has a 24 hour refund policy on domain names. So you can get it refunded, but the window to do so is very short. You should probably refund that name and then see what you can get that’s simpler. If you can refund it tonight that’d be great. I could also help you tomorrow over at the galleries, but again, the refund window is very short.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Leslie! Love the balloons. And you’re the 1st one to have a picture (icon / avatar) Rock on! 🙂

  4. xueweifan Avatar

    How can I delete the word “wordpress” and use the same name? Can I pay for it after I create my account?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Yes Xue, you can add a domain name at any time. I know it seems like you’re “deleting” the “wordpress” but technically that’s not what you’re doing.

      You now have a blog at the domain “wordpress.com”
      and you’re using the “sub-domain” of xueweifan.wordpress.com
      a “subdomain” is like “www.wordpress.com”

      what you want is the new / different domain of xueweifan.com
      anyway, to get that you go to WordPress.com, login, and then:
      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains
      and then you can buy xueweifan.com – which looks like it is available! 🙂

      BTW, if you wanted it, you could also get a URL like:

      Those are a little more trouble to set up and probably a little more money, so .com is probably just the easiest way to go. But if you do want one of the others, LMK and I can help.

      1. weifan Avatar

        new one, just want you know

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Great Xue, TY! See you Tuesday!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Seong! Congratulations on having your own domain name! Where’s the photo on your home page? It looks fantastic!

  5. Sabrina Macias Avatar
    Sabrina Macias


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Sabrina! Be sure to check out the “other” Sabrina, Sabrina Fish’s website too… it’s a few clicks below…

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Jessica! Ooh… “thought power”… I’m eager to learn more about this!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thank you Dania! Great URL BTW, no one will ever forget it! (or YOU, we hope!)

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Anabel! Who’s the little girl dancing? Is that you?

  6. Sabrina Fish Avatar
    Sabrina Fish


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Sabrina! Now we have both! You, and Sabrina Macias!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Gearaldine! Enjoy your new website! And remember it is YOUR website. Post anything you want here. Facebook and other social nets are great for sharing links, but it’s really nice to have your own place that you can completely style and present as you like.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Leticia. the “wp-admin” is how you access the “backend” of your website where you can edit things. To give out to people you just want the front-facing URL which wouldn’t have that.

      Also, please be sure to buy your own domain name, like

      not the generic “.wordpress.com”

      1. Leticia Estrada Avatar
        Leticia Estrada

        woops I totally thought I included it in the comment before. My domain name is leticiaestradaaa.com

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Awesome Leticia, looks great! TY!

  7. Cindy Santiago Avatar

    i read that the 18 dollars is only for a year, is this true?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      That’s right Cindy. The website / blog itself is free forever. But the domain name is for 1 year. A year from now you can decide if you want to pay another $18 or not. Obviously Art110 will be long over by then, so if you want to drop it, that’s fine. I hope in a year you’ll have so much strong work there that you’d really like to keep it under a personal domain name. You can think about that in 2015! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Jenny! Congratulations on your new website!

  8. Samantha Vargas Avatar
    Samantha Vargas


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Samantha Taylor Vargas DOT COM! What a great domain name!

  9. jerry perez Avatar


  10. jerry perez Avatar
    jerry perez

    jerryperez2013.com 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Jerry! That’s a pretty sweet URL for a common name like Perez. My cousin Jason Perez uses Perezish.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Debz! Bonus points for having a nice icon photo already! 🙂

      Sadly however, I still need you to get your own domain name, not the generic “.wordpress.com”

      I show how to do that in the video above. You don’t need to make a new blog, you can just go to

      1. Debora Zelaya Avatar

        http://debzelworld.com/ I redid it!!! ^.^ Thanks, that’s awesome!!!!!!!!

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Awesome Debz, looks great! TY!

  11. Crystal Camberos Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Crystal! I hope you post lots of great stuff on your cool new website!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Bryan! Enjoy your new website! Maybe print up some Moo cards with your URL!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Lauren! TY! Will you ever reveal the secret of where lolonicknick comes from? 🙂

      1. Lauren Langer Avatar
        Lauren Langer

        Just a nick name since i was little.

  12. Jessy Nguyen Avatar

    Not sure if I’m doing this correctly… I think I am? I paid the $18 for my personal domain.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Yes Jessy, you totally did it right! Awesome!

  13. Mark Spencer Tan Avatar

    I just got it up finally yay! I bought a domain from somewhere else and used another website creator (google sites) to create the website since they didn’t charg for mapping. I hope that’s ok professor 😮

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Mark, yes, that’s totally fine… with just 1 catch… you still have to TELL ME what your URL is! 🙂

      1. Mark Spencer Tan Avatar

        Oh wooops I’m sorry I forgot the most important part xD haha.


  14. Kimberly Aranda Avatar
    Kimberly Aranda


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Kim, awesome URL, your site already looks great, and look you even got a little profile / icon setup. Way to hit the ground running! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Oscar! Where’d you get the big hand?

      1. Oscar Gordillo Avatar
        Oscar Gordillo

        at urban outfitter
        by when do we need to post the interviews by?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Pilar, TY! Can’t wait to see all the exciting work you post on your website!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Yes Kim! Your URL is SO awesome it should be listed twice! 🙂

  15. Josue Avatar

    Josue Cerna, website is: Josuecerna.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Josue! Fantastic URL! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Looks great Meg! Are you sideways? Or am I reading this laying down?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Zhamir! Good luck developing your awesome website!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Ricardo! See you Tuesday!

  16. cindy santiago Avatar

    hello, here is the domain i purchased but for some reason it isn’t available, i dont know what do do ]= i have a receipt to prove i payed for it.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Cindy… did you forget to paste it?

      Have you figured it out?

      Where are you at with this?

  17. Kyndra Avatar

    Hi I’m Kynzie and mu URL is: http://kyndramcdaniel.com/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Kyndra, thanks a lot! 🙂

  18. Christian Aguilar Avatar

    check out my website ill be updating it over the days

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Christian… well… except I think you forgot to paste your URL! 😛

  19. Cristina Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Cristina, TY!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Argenis! Good luck with your new website! 🙂

  20. Russell byrd Avatar
    Russell byrd

    Russell Byrd- RussellByrd.me

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Russell! See you Tuesday!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      haha, great URL Michael!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Marquis! Good luck with your website!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks James! CU Tuesday!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Mark, awesome URL! 🙂

  21. Tania Chandiluhur Avatar

    Hello, this is my domain: taniachandiluhur.com

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        looks great Tania, TY!

  22. Tommy Le Avatar

    tommyle,com was taken. 🙁

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Bummer Tommy. Try different things. What about .net or .me or .org. Or maybe add a middle name or initial? You’ll find something good! Don’t give up! 🙂

      1. Tommy Le Avatar

        Professor Zucman, how come I am not added to the roster? Did you click on my screen name to see the domain?
        It’s http://tommyle.net/

  23. Kyung Cho Avatar
    Kyung Cho

    hello, this is my domain: http://kyungpaulcho.net/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  24. Maddie Ballew Avatar


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Maddie! Good luck with your new website!

  25. Harry Hong Avatar
    Harry Hong


  26. Courtney Hatzenbuhler Avatar
    Courtney Hatzenbuhler
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Courtney, no video stuff till week 2. We’ll talk about it on Tuesday.

      We’re not using the generic “.wordpress.com” URL’s however. Please go to

      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains >>

      And pick whatever URL you’d like. “CourtneyHatzenbuhler.com” is probably available.

      1. Courtney Hatzenbuhler Avatar
        Courtney Hatzenbuhler


  27. Maneth Khieng Avatar
    Maneth Khieng


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome URL Maneth! Good luck developing your website!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  28. Sabrina Macias Avatar
    Sabrina Macias

    Hello, this is my domain:

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Sabrina, TY! See you Tuesday!

  29. Jenny Ing Avatar


    (forgot to make it a live link, sorry!)

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Jenny, TY! Good luck with your website!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks a lot Victoria Alicia Ortiz DOT COM! Have a great semester!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Karina, looks great, TY!

  30. Jordan Gavero Avatar

    Finally fixed the domain name!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Jordan! Thanks for sorting it out. Should be easier from here on in! (we hope! 🙂

  31. Ida Bohlin Avatar

    Hi! I am Ida Bohlin and my URL is

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Ida! Looking forward to seeing more Art by Ida!

  32. Auti Kamal Avatar
    Auti Kamal

    Hi I’m Auti 🙂
    My blog is thehe-art-ofauti.tumblr.com
    I do have my own website already but I use it to get professional dance and choreography jobs, so I can’t put school stuff on it. Feel free to check out autikamal.com
    Thanks Professor

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      sounds good Auti. You’re ahead of the rest of us! So, how can you take your website up to the next level this semester?

  33. Daniel Hogue Avatar


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Daniel! TY!

  34. eduardo jimenez Avatar

    hi im eduardo jimenez, my website is e1995jimenez.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Eduardo! TY!

  35. Christian Hunter Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Christian! See you Tuesday!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      looks good Andrew, TY!

  36. Garrett Turner Avatar

    Hey my name is Garrett Turner This is my website

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      hey Garrett, I think your forgot to paste your URL! 🙂

  37. Alberto De La Rosa Avatar

    My name is Alberto De La Rosa.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Alberto… and your URL is… ?

      1. Alberto De La Rosa Avatar

        I just now realized I did post my site. Sorry about that. 90805.org

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Looks good Kayla! TY!

  38. Kayla Davis Avatar

    Hi I am Kayla Davis my blog is kayladavis.org

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Can’t beat that URL Kayla Davis!

  39. Dylan Chou Avatar

    Scratch out the one above. This is the one I will be using.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      hey Dylan, oops! You still didn’t paste your URL! 🙂

  40. christiancarranza Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Christian, we like the vortex!

  41. Cristina Avatar

    Hi my name is Cristina Robinson and here is my website:


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Christina! Perfect URL! Hope you can work on a great website / ePortfolio this semester! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Laura, TY! See you Tuesday!

  42. Jonathan Corcahdo Avatar

    Hi my name is Jonathan Corchado and my website is


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Jonathan! Thank you!

  43. April Kang Avatar

    HI my name is April Kang and my website is aprilmkang.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome April! Good luck with your website this semester!

  44. Nathalie Armenta Avatar
    Nathalie Armenta

    Hi my name is Nathalie Armenta and my website is nathaliearmenta.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great URL Nathalie! How’s your semester looking?

  45. Brian Phan Avatar
    Brian Phan

    Hi, my name is Brian Phan and my website is thetunaclub.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Brian, Thank you!

  46. Eric Moreland Avatar

    My site is ericmoreland91.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Eric! See you in class! 🙂

  47. Josh Tristan Avatar
    Josh Tristan

    Hey guys im Josh Tristan and this is my website joshtristan.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Josh! See you tomorrow!

  48. Jenna Perez Avatar

    Hi my name is Jenna Perez and my website is jennaprz.com .

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Thanks Jenna! How’s your semester going so far?

        1. Jenna Perez Avatar

          So far so good!! Just trying to get my blog the way I’d like. 🙂

          1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

            Awesome Jenna! Your website is off to a pretty good start! 🙂

            I’m going to make another How2 video this afternoon that talks about “Widgets” and “Menus,” both tools that will help you style your site for aesthetics and functionality.

            And, of course, you can change Themes any time if you want a different look. But Widgets & Menus are tools to make any Theme more personal.

            See you Tomorrow!

  49. Emma Madsen Avatar

    Hi, this is Emma Madsen and my website is emmalmadsen.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Emma! Awesome URL! 🙂

  50. Aaron Jingles Avatar
    Aaron Jingles

    Hey im Aaron Jingles and my site is http://ajingles19.com/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Aaron! What else are you taking this semester?

  51. Erikka Ross Avatar

    Hi, this is Erikka Ross and my website is erikkaross.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Erikka! What a super-awesome URL! I hope you fill it with lots of awesome stuff!

  52. Jacob Wehrman Avatar
    Jacob Wehrman

    Hi, this is Jacob Wehrman and this is my website- http://jacobwehrman.com/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Jacob! What a fantastic URL! 🙂

  53. Denise Martinez Avatar


    This is my URL, however i had trouble publishing earlier and i tried with a different browser and on my phone app.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Denise… you didn’t actually paste your URL in! 🙂

      Can you try it again, please?

      Sorry about the trouble you had — is everything OK now?

  54. Nada Avatar

    Hi, My name is Nada and my URL is:


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Nada!

      I’m actually asking you to buy your own domain name, like “NadaAbushaban.com” not the generic domains like me.tumblr.com or me.wordpress.com

      For WordPress.com it’s all one step to get your site and your domain name. I show how to do it in the video above.

      For Tumblr it’s 2 steps. You get your site from Tumblr, then you get your URL from a Domain Name Host like Network Solutions or GoDaddy. At that end you set an “A Record” to point to Tumblr’s IP Address and then you go over to the Tumblr end and set it to use that incoming URL. It’s easier than it sounds. I can help you with it.

  55. Haben Fessehatsion Avatar

    Hi, my name is haben and my website is habenf.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  56. Adrian Herrera Avatar

    Hello I am Adrian Herrera and here is my website. My domain sucks because I kind of messed up but here it is.

    1. Adrian Herrera Avatar

      adrianherrera4dotcom1.com sorry there it is

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Oh hey Adrian. Yes, you’re right about that. So “technically” you fulfilled what I asked, you “bought your domain name.”

        But functionally, for this semester and even more for beyond that, it’s not as easy an address as we’d like. I’m guessing you were clicking around and somehow “.com” sort of morphed into “dotcom1.com” and you got that URL.

        I would recommend contacting WordPress.com support immediately and explaining that what you really want is adrianherrera4.com and can they help you fix that. Then can do it, but please contact them IMMEDIATELY. Like RIGHT NOW. Time is of the essence in getting them to fix this.

        It shouldn’t be too hard to have them straighten it our for you and adrianherrera4.com will be nicer to use.

        LMK if you need any help.

        Thanks Adrian!

  57. Sharon Kotas Avatar
    Sharon Kotas

    Hi my name is Sharon Kotas and my website is skotas.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Sharon, TY!

  58. Kevin Hanson Avatar

    Hi, my name is Kevin, and my website is kevinjhanson.com

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Great Kevin, Thank You!

  59. Jacob Kline Avatar

    Hi this is Jacob Kline and my website is jacobdkline.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Jacob! How’s your semester going so far?

  60. Juan C. Cuevas Avatar

    Hi my name is Juan Carlos Cuevas and my website is charliesjb09.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Looks good Juan, TY!

  61. Juan C. Cuevas Avatar

    Hi my name is Juan Carlos Cuevas and my website is charliesjb.com

  62. Alfredo Garcia Avatar
    Alfredo Garcia

    Hi, my name is Alfredo and my URL is


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Alfredo! I hope it becomes a nice ePortfolio space for you!

  63. James Santiago Avatar
  64. cora Argallon Avatar

    Hi I’m Cora Argallon!


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hello Cora Argallon! Lookin good!

  65. Jaimini Bhakta Avatar

    Hi my name is Jaimini Bhakta, and my URL is jaiminibhakta.wordpress.com!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Jaimini!

      We’re actually not using generic “me.wordpress.com” URL’s this semester. I have asked everyone to buy a personalized domain like “me.com” for their ePortfolio.

      You can still use the same website you already setup. Just go:

      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains >> Register or Map a Domain

      To register .com and some others costs $18

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Cody!

      We’re actually not using generic “me.wordpress.com” URL’s this semester. I have asked everyone to buy a personalized domain like “me.com” for their ePortfolio.

      You can still use the same website you already setup. Just go:

      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains >> Register or Map a Domain

      To register .com and some others costs $18

      1. Cody Steig Avatar
        Cody Steig


        Yeah sorry, I purchased it just put the wrong Link!

  66. Kevin Romero Avatar

    Hello my name is Kevin Romero and my website is


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Kevin! How’s your semester going so far?

  67. Mario Avatar

    My name is Mario Ayala and my URL is http://curlygoon.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Mario! See you tomorrow!

  68. Jerry Seetao Avatar
    Jerry Seetao

    My name is Jerry Seetao and my URL is http://jerrbearscave.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Looks great Jerry – TY!

  69. Arianna Perez Avatar

    My name is Arianna Perez and my url is http://ariannaperez.com/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome URL Arianna! Perez is such a common name (actually my family, mom’s side, is Perez) so it’s great that you were able to get your name! I hope you hang on to that URL! And post lots of great stuff!

  70. Selin Ari Avatar

    my name is Selin Ari and my website is http://selinari13.wordpress.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Selin!

      We’re actually not using generic “me.wordpress.com” URL’s this semester. I have asked everyone to buy a personalized domain like “me.com” for their ePortfolio.

      You can still use the same website you already setup. Just go:

      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains >> Register or Map a Domain

      To register .com and some others costs $18

  71. Daniela Gabriel Avatar

    My name is Daniela Gabriel and here is my website: http://danielasworldoftrees.com/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      TY Daniela! I’m so eager to learn more about your World of Trees! What’s it all about? Will you be posting on it?

  72. Tevin Allen Avatar

    Hello My name is Tevin I posted my website but haven’t heard from you so I’m posting it again… it’s justtevin.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Tevin! See you tomorrow!

  73. Quang Tran Avatar

    My name is Quang and my website is QuangMTran.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Lookin good Quang, TY!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Francys. How’s your semester going so far.

  74. Lauren Weaver Avatar

    Hi, my name is Lauren Weaver and I don’t see my name listed, my domain is laurenmweaver.com. I have no idea what I am doing. I am so confused… Lauren Weaver 009474164, tues, thurs @ 11

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Lauren, you’re on the roster! 🙂

      What are you confused about Lauren? How can I help?

      If you scroll up to the top of this page, there are 2 videos… the 2nd one is how to make your site “better”, so if you’re confused, don’t worry about that one for now.

      The first video on this page pretty much shows everything I think you need to post your 2 interviews from last week (1 artist & 1 classmate)

      Give it a try, and LMK if I can help with anything.

      1. Lauren Weaver Avatar

        Okay I see now it wasn’t loading for some reason, thanks!

  75. youness regragui Avatar
    youness regragui


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Youness!

      We’re actually not using generic “me.wordpress.com” URL’s this semester. I have asked everyone to buy a personalized domain like “me.com” for their ePortfolio.

      You can still use the same website you already setup. Just go:

      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains >> Register or Map a Domain

      To register .com and some others costs $18

  76. youness regragui Avatar
    youness regragui

    Alright thank you! i’ll do it now

  77. Dylan Chou Avatar

    Hey the name is Dylan and I posted my URL on Sunday night however I don’t my name nor website on the list. Sorry to bug, just want to get everything verified.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Dylan, yes, I see you’ve posted a couple of times, but you never actually included your URL. You said “I’ll be using this one” — but there wasn’t any URL. Can you paste your URL now? TY!

  78. Annie Nguyen Avatar

    My name is Annie Nguyen and my website is nguyenannie.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Annie, TY! I hope you have fun personalizing your site and making it your own!

  79. Erica Rudolph Avatar

    HI! So I got all my interviews done! I didn’t know they were due on Sunday but I believe I published them before that! I am still working on making my site pretty 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  80. James Casey Avatar

    Hi, my name’s James Casey and my website is jcasey130.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great James, TY! How’s your semester going so far? Taking anything exciting?

  81. Karina Ekguea Avatar

    Hi my name is Karina and my website is karinelguea.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Karina, that URL isn’t working. Can you check the spelling on it? Maybe a typo? TY!

  82. James Santiago Avatar

    My website is JamesMSantiago.com

  83. David Rho Avatar

    Hi this is david rho and here is my website http://davidrhorho.com/

  84. Morgan Davenport Avatar

    My website is morganldavenport.com

  85. Christian Aguilar Avatar

    Hello Professor Zucman,
    Excited to have my own website check it out:

  86. Christian Aguilar Avatar

    Hello Professor Zucman,
    Excited to have my own website check it out:
    I posted the same comment last week
    please email so I can make sure if you got it.

  87. Christian Aguilar Avatar

    Hello Professor Zucman,
    Excited to have my own website check it out:
    I posted the same comment last week
    please email so I can make sure if you got it. It keeps saying duplicate comment detected.

  88. Christian Aguilar Avatar

    My bad all about all the other posts I thought it didn’t go through lol

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Perfect Christian! No worries about extra comments! 🙂

      As long as we get you on the roster, it’s all good!

  89. karina elguea Avatar
    karina elguea

    woops it was a typo!
    its actually karinaelguea.com


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Karina, TY!

  90. Henatay Journey Avatar
    Henatay Journey

    Hey! you have not put up my website.
    here it is

  91. Cindy Santiago` Avatar
    Cindy Santiago`

    Hi sorry, i thought it would send you the website since it asks us for the websites when publishing this post

  92. Dhaifallah Aljohani Avatar

    Hi my name is Dhaifallah my website is jo7ani.com feel free to check it out anytime. Thanks!

  93. Vincent Ngo Avatar

    made my website! Vngo714.com

  94. Rejah Marie Alano Avatar


    Accidently left this as a comment on the beach chat…

  95. youness regragui Avatar

    hello this is my website: younessregr.com

  96. James Boyes Avatar

    Hi my names James and this is my website jamesboyes.net

  97. Cameron Schubert Avatar

    Hey Glen my website is Heynoww.com
    I still gotta learn how to customize it tho..

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Cameron, TY!

  98. Briella Matsumoto Avatar
    Briella Matsumoto

    Hi I’m Briella Matsumoto and my URL is http://briellamatsumoto.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Briella, great URL!

  99. Kevin Nguyen Avatar
    1. Kevin Nguyen Avatar

      It’s temporary until I can get the domain name, but I’m just placing assignments in the meantime.

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Thanks Kevin, unfortunately I can’t place you on the roster or look at your work until you have a “real” URL. It’s very easy to setup and meanwhile the weeks are going by and you’re going to get in a real hole in terms of work and points, so I’d encourage you to just setup your URL already. The video at the very top of this page shows you how to do it. LMK if you have any questions or need any help.

        1. Kevin Nguyen Avatar

          Understood. I just had some trouble last night, but it’s resolved. My website is now http://www.kvnnguyen.com.

          1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

            Great Kevin. And a nice URL for a name as ubiquitous as “Nguyen”. Site looks good! TY!

  100. Amber Luna Avatar
    Amber Luna

    Hello! My name is Amber and my website is: ambersluna.com

  101. Karina Avatar

    hi my name is Karina Gutierrez and my website is karinaggutierrez.com

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Karina! Great URL! 🙂

  102. Dylan Avatar

    Hey Glenn it’s me again, i had replied to your comment with my URL.
    It’s: dylanbchou.com

  103. Arlette Pacheco Avatar
    Arlette Pacheco

    Hi I’m Arlette Pacheco and my url is http://arlettepacheco.com/

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  104. Donald Nguyen Avatar
    Donald Nguyen

    Hello Sorry for the late creation of my website, but here it is.


    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  105. Kendall Kaller Avatar

    Hi im Kendall Kaller and my url is kendallakaller.com

    1. Kendall Kaller Avatar

      sorry my url is actually kendallkaller.com

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Awesome URL Kendall, TY!

  106. Reyna Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Looks great Reyna, TY!

  107. Hatsue Nakamura Avatar

    Here’s my website. I apologize for the delay, I added the class in Week 2.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      TY Hatsue! But, oops, you didn’t actually paste your URL! 🙂

    2. Hatsue Nakamura Avatar
      Hatsue Nakamura

      Sorry I linked it to my name! Here it is: meowingcalico.com

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar
  108. Shane O'Connell Avatar

    hey my link is shaneoconnell1.com

  109. Slade Menold Avatar

    Glenn i can’t upload my Vlog still. every time i try to upload it says invalid type and i tried from my computer. phone. and iPad. i have also changed the format of the video. idk what to do cause wordpress just won’t let me upload any video?
    i literally took a whole new video on my phone using the wordpress app and it still didn’t even work?
    so frustrated please help

  110. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Hey Slade, sorry for your frustration! 🙁

    You can’t upload video TO WordPress, but you can upload to Vimeo or YouTube. If you’re having trouble, the easiest thing is just to open YT on your Laptop or Phone and hit RECORD NOW and talk straight into YT. Then you just take your link and “embed” it on your blog.

    1. slade menold Avatar

      okay i wil try that

  111. ty dawkins Avatar

    my name is Ty Dawkins and http://tywilsondawkins.com/ is my website

  112. Daniel Hogue Avatar
    Daniel Hogue

    http://danielhogue.wordpress.com/ I think I commented the wrong website last time so here is my website

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hey Daniel, we’re not actually using the “.wordpress.com” domain names this semester. I’ve asked everyone to buy the domain name of their choice. Something like

      or whatever you like that’s available. Help Video #1 at the top of THIS page shows you how to do that. You can use the blog you already have and just add a domain name to it.

      Dashboard >> Store >> My Domains >> Register or Map a Domain Name

      Be sure to do the “Register” for about $18. That gives you everything you need in 1 shot. The “Map” looks cheaper at only $13 but then you still would have to register a name somewhere else and it’ll be more complicated (a couple extra steps, not a real big deal) and cost more in total.

    2. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      and just double checking… this is NOT your site then?


      1. Daniel Hogue Avatar
        Daniel Hogue

        I already payed for the domain, but I guess I made two websites. So I should use http://danielhogueblog.com/?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hi Abdullah. We are not using “.wordpress.com” URLs. I’ve asked for the last 6 weeks that you buy your own domain name. If you haven’t done this yet, you aren’t looking good for passing this course. I suggest dropping ASAP.

  113. Kyle Bergman Avatar

    Hey Glen, got almost everything up just in time for the midnight sunday deadline! Sorry for taking this long to get it all up, I had trouble dealing with putting myself out there online.

  114. Kevin Romero Avatar

    Hey Glenn I have completely finished updating my blog before the midnight deadline, and I am hoping that you take a look so I can get credit for my blogs


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