students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

Summer ’22 – Week 11


It’s the 11th of our 12 weeks of Artful Summer!

Art Idea #11 – Artists Like Choice?

Student Choice

It’s Student Choice week in Art 110!

For the past 10 weeks, I’ve picked the activities for you. This week, you get free will! Choice! Freedom!

How will you use your freedom?

Pick any media you like. Something we haven’t tried in Art 110. Or, do it Intermedia style and come up with your concept first and then consider what media best expresses that. Define your project and do it.

Lame or Deep?

Choice makes it easy for you to come up with something quick and lame to just collect points.

I encourage you to go deeper.

Come up with a project that really means something to you. Take this moment to create something that you will remember and be proud of as time goes by.

Blog It!

  1. Come up with an art project
  2. Perform your project
  3. Come up with blog questions to answer about your project
  4. Answer your questions
  5. Name your blog post: Week 11 – Art Activity – Choice


How “useful” for your life & career your specific project will be is up to you this week.

As for the concept of Choice, I think it is useful to make real choices in your life. Often we follow a sort of default path because it is what we know or what those who came before us did or what seems available. If that’s your true path, great. But every now and then step back for perspective and ask if your choices are fulfilling your life?

Should you make different choices?

We don’t get many big choices in our lives. Once you pick a college major, marry someone, or buy a house, many other “choices” unfold automatically from that choice. So it’s worth considering how our choices shape the experiences we have and the people we become.

Artist OTW

  1. Pick an Artist #1 of your choice
  2. Pick an Artist #2 of your choice
  3. Write some questions about your artists
  4. Answer your questions
  5. Name your blog post: Week 11 – Artist – Choice

2 Weeks Left!

It’s just this week and next week to go! And then, if you’re coming back, you get 1 week to decompress from summer and prepare for fall and boom! It’s fall semester already! Or, if you’re done, it’s out into the world!

It’s been nice sharing a bit of your online summer with you. As always, LMK if I can help with anything. Email me at or LMK if you’d like to meet up on Zoom sometime.

Have a good week! Be safe. Be well.

~ Glenn

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier
Plaster Casting at the Seal Beach Pier: Erica Lander & Audrey Resella doing a few cartwheels while they wait for their plaster castings to set.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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