Month: March 2017
New Art Class & New Art Minors available now!
Summer Art 110 is 100% online. Plus new ePortfolio class in the fall. Plus new Art Minors for everyone!
Dancing in the School of Art Courtyard
Art110 dancers Antonella, Kathryn, Makenna, Nathan & Toria improvising on a small scaffolding in the Art Gallery Courtyard on a sunny, windy, crisp and cold Wednesday afternoon.
Art 111 v2017a
A draft of a Standard Course Outline (SCO) for a new Long Beach State University, School of Art (SOA) GE course focusing on Seeing, Making & Critiquing.
TEDxCSULB Final Draft
Final Draft for my TEDxCSULB talk “Burn The University Catalog: lessons from alternative education” to be delivered 9 April ’17 at the Walter Pyramid on the campus of Long Beach State University.