students writing ideas about "Art" on the classroom white board

B1 Artist Conversations & Sculpture Experience

Banner for content for Fall Semester 2018 at California State University, Long Beach

Students at a white board drawing lines on a "speedometer"
A “fuel gauge” or “speedometer” of how much “Realism” and how much “Romanticism” we choose to have in our lives.

Week B1 (aka “Week 4”)

I hope you enjoyed your first visit to the School of Art (SOA) galleries this week. It was great getting to chat with a few of you at the optional meetup at the Seal Beach Pier on Wednesday.

Artist Conversations set to PRIVATE

Remember that your Art Activity blog posts are just normal, public posts. But that we’ve been asked to set our Artist Conversation posts to PRIVATE so they won’t appear in Google and other search engine results.

To do this:

  • Laptop: look for Visibility in the Publish panel on the Right
  • Phone: click the 3 dots in the upper-right, then go to Visibility
  • then set Visibility > Password Protected
  • use the password “soa” (lower case, no quotation marks)

Don’t Touch the Art!

One important thing to know about Art Galleries & Art Museums is that while these cultural institutions share many things with other cultural institutions like Libraries, they are also different in some important ways:


  • You touch the books (except maybe for materials in Special Collections)
  • You usually have to be quiet

Art Galleries & Museums

  • It’s important not to touch the art. Be careful where you walk. Be careful about backing into things with your backpack. We have to try hard to be respectful of the artists’ work.
  • Even though it might feel like you should be quiet, there’s no such rule. Think of it as a living place. Feel free to talk, to laugh, to interact with these living (but fragile) works.

Next Week: Week B2 (aka “Week 5”)

  • Monday – Psy-150 to work on Art Activity LD1: Life Design
  • Wednesday – SOA Gallery Courtyard for Conversations with Exhibiting Artists
  • Optional EC: Monday 5pm at UT-108 (University Theatre) – visiting artist talk by Jennifer Steinkamp – attend talk & do EC blog post (3rd blog post for the week) up to +35 points EC. Your blog post can use our Artist Conversation Template as a general guide. You can vary the format if it suits you.

3 Weeks of “A”

Our 3 weeks of “A” went by fast! Thanks to all of our awesome visitors:

  • Dominic & Natalie of 22 West Media
  • Kandis Pogoda from Study Abroad
  • Dr. J’s preview of his TEDxCSULB talk
  • & our bonus visit by JP from Volunteering Abroad
Dr. J speaking in room Psy-150
Dr. J. from Communications giving us a preview of his TEDxCSULB talk coming up on 27 October in the USU Ballrooms.

Who are we?

Art 110, s2, Fall Semester 2018

By Year:

  • Freshmen 72
  • Sophomores 37
  • Juniors 5
  • Seniors 10

By Major:

  • CECS 3
  • Engineering (Biomed, ME) 6
  • Math 2
  • Biology 5
  • Nursing 4
  • Kinesiology 3
  • FEA 54
  • Dance-Studio Art-Industrial Design-Fashion Merchandising 5
  • Communications-Journalism 3
  • Psych-Soc-Poly Sci-CJ-Human Dev 13
  • HHS-Community Health-Nutrition 7
  • Business (Econ, International, Marketing, Finance ) 7
  • Construction Management 2
  • Asian Studies 1
  • CCPE-International Exchange 2
  • Undeclared 7
Kandis Pogoda speaking to the students of Art 110 in room Psy-150
Kandis Pogoda from Study Abroad

Your ID Cards

Here are a few samples of the awesome ID Cards you’ve drawn so far:

Optional Meetup @ Seal Beach

Here are a few pix from Wednesday’s optional meetup at the Seal Beach Pier


Good luck getting your 1st 2 blog posts ready by 11:59pm Sunday night. If you have any questions you can just ask in the Comment section at the bottom of this page. Or you can email me at:

  • Don’t forget that The Syllabus has lots of info, grading rubrics, etc.
  • The Activity Page (Sculpture Experience / Plaster Casting for this week) has a few questions at the bottom of the page for you to discuss in your blog post.
  • And be sure to check the Artist Conversation Template for the easiest & probably best way to organize your post
representatives from 22 West Media presenting to the students of Art 110 on 27 August 2018 in room Psychology-150
Dominic & Natalie of 22 West Media
students writing ideas about "Art" on the classroom white board
“What is Art” day


One response to “B1 Artist Conversations & Sculpture Experience”

  1. Taylor Wilkins Avatar
    Taylor Wilkins

    hi I have one question. Just need a clarification. Is the the content analysis section supposed analyzing the piece we saw regarding to the conversation we had with the artist? Thanks!

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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