students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

Seal Beach Pier meetup

Sculpture Experience (Plaster Casting activity)

It was nice having a chance to chat with a few of you at the Seal Beach Pier on Wednesday. And you got lots of cool, interesting, and sometimes unexpected results! Here are a few pix from Wed afternoon:

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier
These birds are not stealing Doritos on my watch!

students creating plaster casting projects in the sand at the Seal Beach Pier


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