Wk C2 (15) Class Feedback, Points Update & more!

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Thank You!

Hi, and farewell, everyone! It’s been a privilege and a pleasure sharing this Art 110 journey and a part of your Fall ’18 with you.

Thank you for taking the class. Thank you for getting to know each other. I hope that 10 years from now you’ll still know someone that you met in Art 110 this semester.

I hope that as you embark on your Engineering-Business-Nursing-Psychology-Communications-Biology-Nutrition-and other careers that you can find a place for Art in your life.

Maybe that’s a visit to a museum or gallery, but it’s as good or better to Live Artfully. Many of us love experiencing media: mobile apps, games, movies, music, and books. That’s wonderful. But sometimes that can be a lot of consuming other people’s dreams and ideas.

I hope you’ll have art in your life, whether that’s picking up a pencil and sketching something, or getting off the couch and dancing, or simply preparing a meal with love.

Lillie Cecil, age 6, and now.

I found this old photo of myself on my Dad’s Facebook page and thought it would be cute to remake. It was easy since all I needed to do was find a white shirt, a pink skirt, and white shoes. However, it wasn’t possible to get my hair color the same! I was probably close to 6 years old in this photo. I would play with my friends at elementary school and then attend ballet classes after school. My favorite nanny made my brother and I fun snacks and then we would all play games together.

My life isn’t that simple anymore but it definitely sure is as fun!

Lillie Cecil

Points Update

All points through B10 & C1 are now up on BeachBored. We’ve had 730 points posted so far. Here’s where you should be to be on track for each grade level, and how many peeps are currently at that level:

  • 657 points = 90% = on track for final grade of "A" – 83 peeps
  • 574 points = 80% = on track for final grade of "B" – 11 peeps
  • 501 points = 70% = on track for final grade of "C" – 11 peeps
  • 428 points = 60% = on track for final grade of "D" – 5 peeps
  • 427 & below = on track for final grade of "F" – 13 peeps

Class GPA this week: 3.19

What’s Left?

Still to come:

  • Attendance – 216 points
  • Final – 54 points

As you know, the final is Wednesday, 19 December, 2:45 – 4:45 in the SOA Gallery Courtyard.

  • I will upload all Attendance points on Thursday 20 December.
  • I will upload your Final points on Thursday 20 December.
  • I will submit your Final Grades to Brotman Hall on Friday 21 December.


Here’s our Top 10 for Week C2:

  1. Erica Lander, 896
  2. Audrey Resella, 887
  3. Toty Tottress, 838
  4. Hope Kindred, 825
  5. Allison Sanchez, 811
  6. Jamie Landicho, 804
  7. Hailey Hairrell, 795
  8. Trenton Riemer, 794
  9. Sienna Sanchez, 790
  10. Brian Freeman, 786
Trenton Riemer in an "ARMY" t-shirt and holding a flag at Drake Field at UCLA
Trent Riemer (on right)
students sitting on a large stone
Isaac & Marie drawing “ID Cards” in the SOA Gallery Courtyard

The class literally forced me to start doing some of the activities I’d put away a long time ago. I soon realized that even though I was never going to be a world-known painter, nor a recognized designer – It didn’t mean that I couldn’t still do it. It didn’t mean that I couldn’t still have the pleasure of making something. Cause I could, and I did, and it was amazing.

Marie Helgesen Kili

From Norway to Norcal (Arrivals & Departures)
Marie came all the way from Norway to be with us here at The Beach.

After evaluating things carefully, Alex has decided to leave The Beach and head back to Norcal.

Alexandra Bronte Newe and The Musicians' Club Band playing at the Long Beach State University, University Student Union
Alex and the band playing at the USU

I have made the choice this year to move back home and leave this four-year institution. Never in my life have I been so sure of where I am going. I have been focusing on my music, on my writing and in doing so, am going to work on this as well as soul search. While I am going to continue my education, I’m going to prioritize my art as well as my mental health. This is just not the path for me, and I have chosen to follow my heart over my head. I’m going to pick up the bass guitar, the drums, and any other instrument I find interest in. I plan on publishing my poetry into a book and seeing where that creative outlet gets me. While I continue my education through local online classes, I will be able to take introspection into myself and truly express who I am and discover more about myself.

Alex Bronte

Your Feedback Results

gave feedback: 50/123 = 41% of class

1. A-B-C format

  • Useful – 43
  • Not useful – 2
  • Constraining format – 1
  • Confusing – 5
  • Too compacted in the middle – 1

2. Messy Hands activities

  • Fun / Relaxing – 42
  • Not relevant – 1
  • Mixed feelings – 3
  • Too expensive – 3
  • Too Messy – 2
  • Difficult – 1

3. Life Design activities

  • Useful – 35
  • Mixed feelings/relevant but no fun – 4
  • Confusing – 1
  • Not relevant – 2
  • Difficult – 5
  • More like homework – 4

4. Student Choice & One More activities

  • My Favorite – 42
  • Rather have a specific activity – 1
  • Mixed feelings – 3
  • Redundant – 3

5. Conversations with SOA Artists

  • Loved them – 32
  • Intimidating, but helped me get out of my shell – 1
  • Without this class I would never have set foot in an art gallery – 1
  • Mixed feelings – 8
  • The "Template" detracts from genuine conversation – 1
  • Have more Short Story type variations – 2
  • Liked because I could leave class early – 1
  • Too much work – 1
  • Waste of time – 1
  • Felt forced – 2
  • Got old – 3
  • Prefer not to – 1

6. Class websites vs BeachBoard

  • Useful – 37
  • Mixed feelings – 5
  • Complicated/Confusing – 3
  • BeachBoard better – 7

7. WordPress for your blog

  • Useful – 41
  • Mixed feelings – 3
  • All posts should be password protected – 1
  • Sucked having to post videos separately on YouTube – 1
  • Confusing – 4
  • BeachBoard better – 2

8. Wix (or other) for your ePortfolio

  • Useful – 23
  • Mixed feelings – 5
  • Harder than WP – 7
  • Not Useful – 10

9. Guest speakers

  • Useful – 40
  • Mixed feelings – 2
  • Not relevant – 6
  • Boring – 1
  • Have class choose who guest speakers will be – 1

10. Meeting classmates

  • Useful – 34
  • Have small group activities – 3
  • Mixed feelings – 2
  • Fun but pointless – 2
  • Hated being forced to talk to people – 1
  • Unnecessary, we formed our own groups – 1
  • Awkward/Caused anxiety – 7
  • Not what I came for – 2

11. No tests (no focus?)

  • Useful – 40
  • Less stressful + more interesting – 1
  • I found a more genuine interest in what I was learning – 1
  • Kept me on my toes for assignments – 1
  • No tests good, but class materials maybe not relevant – 1
  • Had to waste a scantron for no reason – 1
  • Lack of direction – 1
  • Difficult to stay invested in the class – 1
  • Made me not take the class seriously – 1
  • Led me to not pay attention – 1
  • Made it harder to just pass the class – 1
  • Made class more difficult – 1

12. Other thoughts

  • Would recomend this class – 2
  • Thank you – 1
  • I enjoyed coming to class – 2
  • Keep it simple – 1
  • Motivated me to figure out my career path – 1
  • I will remember the Scantron midterm for the rest of my life – 1
  • Don’t regret taking the class – 1
  • Loved films/videos – 1
  • Appreciated advice – 1
  • Helped me open up – 1
  • Pleasant – 1
  • Learned a lot – 2
  • Inspired creativity – 1
  • Thanks for listening to students – 1
  • My favorite class this semester – 2
  • Felt like Art Appreciation and not real art – 1
  • Learn from different experts – 1
  • Instructor showed favoritism toward those in front – 1
  • We learn by doing – 3
  • Class was freeing & exciting – 1
  • Some days my mind was elsewhere – 1
  • Doubt Club was very important – 3
  • I had fun – 2
  • Great class – 6
  • Unique class – 2
  • Enjoyed class – 2
  • Taught me to be open minded – 1
  • Lots of opportunities – 1
  • Inspired to go out & do things – 1
  • Will visit your OH next semester – 1
  • Learning outside the classroom mindset – 1
  • Stay awesome – 5
  • Investment in our lives as people – 3
  • Empowered students – 1

Thinking about Identity

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

  • Brotman Hall 226 – walk-ins 8-5, M-F
  • 24/7 line (talk to a licensed professional) – 562-985-4001


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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