A pair of black and orange tennis shoes hanging from the fire escape outside an apartment building in New York City with towers and other buildings in the distance

Wk10: Art Care Packages & Last Week’s Food

Page banner for CSULB, College of the Arts, School of Art, Art 110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, Summer Session 2016

A pair of black and orange tennis shoes hanging from the fire escape outside an apartment building in New York City with towers and other buildings in the distance
Rami Taryaki-Dunham’s bleached tennis shoes

This Week: Art Care Package

In the write-up I give full details about this activity and also some suggestions on who you might choose to send it to. One great choice is to an Art110 Classmate! It’s not required, but it’s a really nice way to connect to your classmates. Plus, if you agree to trade Art Care Packages with someone in class, then you’ll not only be making one to send, you’ll receive one too!

Think about it! 😀

a shark food centerpiece carved out of a watermelon
Carol Velazquez’ Watermelon-Shark

Week 10 Discussions

Our Art Talk discussion topic this week is Free Culture.

  • Free Culture
  • Intellectual Property
  • Copyright
  • Creative Commons
  • Richard Stallman
  • Lawrence Lessig
  • Tim Berners-Lee
  • Aaron Swartz
  • Jeff Jarvis’ book Public Parts

Our Artist of the week is Joseph DeLappe.

a view of Lisa Mann's back, wearing a black crop top that she cut and wove a pattern into
Lisa Mann’s handmade crop top

Last Week: Cuisine, Couture or Coiffure

Almost all of you chose food last week. Hiten convinced his girlfriend to braid his hair. Lisa M & Rami played with their clothes. Think about the difference between these media and more traditional media like painting and sculpture. Can a painting say more than food or fashion? Do these elements, often found in Relational Aesthetics or Social Practice art works, have an ability to connect with a wider culture than more traditional high art, or academic art forms?

a guy in a white t-shirt with lots of small hair braids
Hiten convinced his girlfriend to braid his hair
Lisa Bernhauser working over a stove
Lisa Bernhauser’s food experiment
The Spirit of Detroit, a public artwork in Detroit, Michigan, showing a sitting man holding a sunburst in his hand
“The Spirit of Detroit” sculpture that inspired Adam
a 2D version of The Spirit of Detroit sculpture made out of small candy pieces
Adam Waldrop’s candy recreation of “The Spirit of Detroit”
Kevin Armentrout sitting at a dinner table with his Tortilla Chili creation
Kevin Armentrout’s new creation “Tortilla Chili”


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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