snapchat selfie by Jennifer Palacios with drawing on top

Wk 13 Easy Street


Emily Snyder smiling and frowning as she does or does not find a geocache
The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat: Emily Snyder’s pain and joy at failing to find… and later finding… a hidden geocache. With Andrea Casamitjana.

Fall Break

New for 2015!
Lucky you guys! We’ve never had a Fall Break before! 2015 is the 1st one in CSULB history! πŸ˜€

As you know, Wk 12 was the last “Activity”. For weeks 13-14-15 it’ll be just our 2 Conversations at the galleries and so just 2 blog posts a week. For the Final, aka “Week 16” we’ll have a School of Art Scavenger Hunt!

This week we’re in UT-108 on Tuesday as usual, and then at the SOA Galleries on Thursday as usual. And then next week, Nov 23-27 – Fall Break! Whether you’re traveling, catching up on school or other work, or just resting, I hope you have a great Fall Break – you’ve earned it! πŸ™‚

The week after that, Tuesday, Dec 1 and Thursday, Dec 3, will be Week 14 and we’ll be back to our usual activities.

What’s that? You want to know when the final is?

Final: Thursday, December 10, 10:15 – 12:15, Art Gallery Courtyard

Jackie Tester & Toni Abad smiling in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Coutyard
Jackie Tester & Toni Abad
photo of Matt Carder holding an "Altoids Tin Geocache" in one hand and his cell phone running the Geocaching App in his other hand
Matt Carder goes Geocaching!

Points so Far

All points through Week 12 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 640. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:

640 points = “A+” pace – 44 peeps
576 points = β€œA” pace – 49 peeps, or 44+49=93 A’s
512 points = β€œB” pace – 15 peeps
448 points = β€œC” pace – 9 peeps
384 points = β€œD” pace – 4 peep
383 & below = β€œF” pace – 6 peeps

This works out to an overall class GPA of 3.46 which is pretty good, and also a step up from our average of 3.32 two weeks ago! πŸ™‚

Armando De La Mora making a mold of his hand at the beach!
Armando De La Mora making a mold of his hand at the beach!
montage of selfies with Jennifer Palacios and other Art110 students
Jennifer Palacios and everybody!


A bunch of 1st timers on the leaderboard – awesomesauce! A bunch of familiar names too – great! And guess who’s #1 again with 782 / 640 or 122%! She’s on track for a final course grade of “A++”. Or if grades were t-shirts, it’d be Size A-XXXL!

  1. Jennifer Palacios – 782
  2. Emily Snyder – 739
  3. Toni Abad – 714
  4. Vanessa Marquez Guerrero – 711
  5. Rosario Fino – 711
  6. Armando De La Mora – 707
  7. Matthew Carder – 702
  8. Jackiee Fernandes – 692
  9. Tony Nguyen – 687
  10. Genesis Jacobo – 687
portrait of Vanessa Marquez
Vanessa Marquez
black-and-white photo of Rosario Fino
Rosario Fino

Activity “Grades”

Here’s your Up Votes, Down Votes, and Totals from those of you who chose to do the optional evaluation of our Fall ’15 Activities:

  • Painting +22 -0 = +22
  • Plaster Casting +21 -0 = +21
  • Fiber Art +9 -2 = +7
  • Snapchat +10 -5 = +5

  • Web Design +1 -0 = +1
  • Editing Writing +1 -0 = +1
  • Geocaching +8 -7 = +1
  • ePortfolio +1 -0 = +1

  • Instagram +3 -7 = -4
  • Ethnography +1 -10 = -9
  • Periscope +1 -14 = -13
  • Somebody App +0 -13 = -13
  • Transmedia +0 -14 = -14

Photo of Jaclyn Fernandes with her bio
Cooking with Jaclyn Fernandes

Galleries This Week

November 15th-19th

Illustration & Animation BFA Group Exhibition – Gatov West, Gatov East & Merlino Gallery

The Illustration and Animation BFA group exhibition features work from graduating Illustration/Animation BFA students.

Shahrzad Ahrar, Graphic Design MFA – Dutzi Gallery

Shahrzad Ahrar’s MFA thesis exhibition focuses on the narrative of immigrants coming to the United States seeking freedom.

Ashley Berg, Makalia Palmer, Sery Kwon, Vanessa Gamboa, Drawing & Painting – Werby Gallery

Berg, Palmer, Kwon & Gamboa present their individual interpretations of the Long Beach city landscape, emphasizing light and the idea of home.

Kahlia Cadle & Tony Nguyen
Kahlia Cadle & Tony Nguyen

Classmate Question OTW

Compare your definition of “Art” 13 weeks ago, and your definition of “Art” today.

Genesis Jacobo in front of her name, "Genesis" at the Art Walls in Venice Beach, California
Genesis Jacobo


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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