All points through Week 12 are now up on BeachBoard. We’ve had 696 points possible so far, and here’s what you should have by now to be on track for each grade level:
A pace = 626 points – 98 peeps
B pace = 556 points – 22 peeps
C pace = 486 points – 8 peeps
D pace = 416 points – 6 peeps
F pace = 415 points – 7 peeps
Overall class GPA (so far) = 3.4
DIY Constellation Pin- Wk 12 Activity from Anna Joy on Vimeo.
Top 10
- Anna Joy Floresca – 909
- Diana Martinez – 903
- Evan Huang – 874
- Marlyn Castillo – 844
- Bowas Yang – 801
- Allison Wendell – 801
- Antonio Lavermon – 788
- Nicole Ilagan – 785
- Conny Ramirez – 778
- Yesenia Chavez – 763
- Dominic Erich – 763
ePortfolio Presentations
On Tuesdays so far we’ve used our time to talk about the week’s Activity, and to look at some of the strong Activities from the week before. Now that we’ve completed our Activities for Fall ’14 we can use the last Tuesdays to let you optionally present your ePortfolio for extra credit. A strong presentation of your ePortfolio is worth up to +30 EC.
NOTE: You can only present YOUR EPORTFOLIO — that is, you CAN NOT show a website of Art110 work. We want to see your Aerospace Engineering or Nursing or Marine Biology or Fashion Merchandising website. And yes, you can show ePortfolios for things other than your major, like your Band, your Zine, your Classic Car Restoration, your Cosplay, your Sports Blog, etc etc. Most of the time these “hobbies” are just that, extra things in life that aren’t your “career.” But sometimes they can overlap. Maybe that hiring manager at that awesome Aerospace Engineering Firm likes you because they’re impressed with the detail of your Car Website. And even though an activity like Cosplay is mostly lighthearted fun, people like Yaya Han have turned it into a full-time income.
Signups will be open through 1pm this Thursday, Nov 20th.
[ninja_forms_display_form id=2]
Activity “Grades”
74 of you chose to do the optional evaluation of our 12 Activities for Fall 2014. Here’s your Up Votes, Down Votes, and Totals for our 12 Activities:
- Painting +47 -13 = 34
- Plaster Casting +37 – 14 = 23
- Your Turn +21 -0 = 21
- Instagram +26 -10 = 16
- Corpse +24 -11 = 13
- Web Design +5 -0 = 5
- Teach One +6 -6 = 0
- ePortfolio +10 -16 = -6
- Drawing +15 -26 = -11
- Kickstarter +12 -32 = -20
- CFID +9 -31 = -22
- vLog +4 -26 = -22
You really liked Painting, Plaster Casting, and Your Own Choice. You really disliked Kickstarter, CFID, and vlogging. I can’t promise I’ll cancel all 3 of those projects for next semester, but I do promise to cancel at least 1 of them, maybe more. We’ll discuss it in class today.
Galleries This Week
Drawing and Painting, BFA Exhibition- Gatov East & West
The Drawing and Painting BFA Exhibition features work from graduating Drawing and Painting BFA students.
Nora Ayala, Printmaking – Merlino Gallery
Nora Ayala depicts body image and objectification through printmaking techniques.
Brittnee Forline, BFA Metals – Dutzi Gallery
Brittnee Forline’s BFA exhibition features metal works referencing a personal desire for a life of fantasy.
Kelsey Zwarka, BFA Ceramics – Werby Gallery
Kelly Zwarka’s BFA exhibition showcases abstracted biomorphic forms that range from small to large-scale.
Gallery Tags
Don’t forget our new, easier tags for your artist conversations! Instead of tagging a different artist each week, let’s just tag the gallery it was in. This way you can already know the 6 tags to cover all the work you’ll look at:
Allison Wendell
Evan Huang

Justin Toguchi

Diana Martinez
HOW TO MAKE A STENCIL from Diana Martinez on Vimeo.
Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?