Tag: School of Art

  • A Donald Trump moment at the Future of the University Panel Discussion

    A Donald Trump moment at the Future of the University Panel Discussion

    A panel discussion on the future of the university turned into a sort of Donald Trump rally as students left behind by “academic globalization” protested The Hall of Science Building as if it were a Goldman Sachs bank bailout.

  • Galleries at The Beach

    Galleries at The Beach

    The 5 CSULB School of Art student art galleries represent a an extraordinary resource. The Galleries offer a unique opportunity for student artists to exhibit and also for students across the CSULB campus to experience 60 different shows and talk with 60 different artists all in a single semester!

  • Thank You SoA Artists!

    Thank You SoA Artists!

    A big thank you to all the CSULB School of Art artists sharing their exhibitions with us this semester!

  • CSULB Online Education (How I Spent My Summer Vacation)

    CSULB Online Education (How I Spent My Summer Vacation)

    After teaching Intro to the Visual Arts F2F for 8 years, this summer I taught it through CSULB Online Education. Here are 7 questions about the experience.