Tag: Free Culture

  • Wk B7 – Automatic Drawing & Free Culture

    Wk B7 – Automatic Drawing & Free Culture

    SOA Galleries, Eva & Franco Mattes, Free Culture, Copyright, Jessica Teng does Halloween, and more!

  • Art is expensive?

    Art is expensive?

    In the past we treasured things because they were scarce. Could it be that today a thing that is not abundant (or sustainable? (or fungible?)) is obscene?

  • Wk 11: Your Turn!

    Wk 11: Your Turn!

    This week it’s Your Turn to pick the Activity! Try an art activity you’ve always wanted to. Also this week we look at the 21st century and the work of virtual performance artist Joseph DeLappe.

  • Wk 10: Portrait Photography

    Wk 10: Portrait Photography

    In our 2nd week of Identity Art we try Portrait Photography of our own demise. Meanwhile our Art talk on Free Culture and our Artist OTW Aaron Swartz both ask us to think about creativity here in the “Internet Century,” and if the old folkways, mores, norms, and laws of…