Tag: Eva & Franco Mattes

  • Wk B7 – Automatic Drawing & Free Culture

    Wk B7 – Automatic Drawing & Free Culture

    SOA Galleries, Eva & Franco Mattes, Free Culture, Copyright, Jessica Teng does Halloween, and more!

  • Visiting Artist: Bree Olson

    Visiting Artist: Bree Olson

    Periscope star Bree Olson is visiting Art110 this week. We’ll have a conversation about her work and our Periscope activity.

  • Wk 9: Hacking Reality

    Wk 9: Hacking Reality

    In week 7 we looked at Realism & Romanticism. This week we’ll think about Representation & Abstraction, hang out with the reality smashing Italian pranksters Eva & Franco Mattes, and hack our personal reality with our Counterfactual Identity activity.

  • The Fun of Making Shit Up

    The Fun of Making Shit Up

    Curiosity. Obedience. Defcon. Feynman.