Hi Guys!
It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to spend this summer thinking and talking and making about Art with you all. It was nice to meet some of you F2F at the Sculpture and Painting activities. And great seeing what you created and what you talked about each week.

To the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors – Good luck next year! For our Seniors, I know some of you are coming back for a few more units, so good luck to you too. For anyone who’s done at CSULB now, Congratulations!! Best wishes for your moving in to the next phase of your life.

As you know, Fall Semester Classes start next week already! I’ll be in the School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard, in-between FA2 & FA3, from 11am – 12:30pm every Thursday. Probably earlier and later than that. Possibly not for week 1. Drop by anytime and say Hi!

Top 10
I’ve given everyone their individual final points via private message on Slack. There was so much wonderful work from you guys this summer! Here’s our final top 10:
- Lee Macklin – 1392
- Tina Wisborn – 1205
- Kimmy Toscano – 1196
- Sherri Mae Bersabe – 1192
- Jolene Wright – 1186
- Ngoc Tran – 1105
- Ryan Webster – 1029
- Zeeshan Dadabhoy – 988
- Guan Chen – 967
- Raymond Poon – 963

Activity “Grades”
15 of you chose to do the optional evaluation of our 12 Activities for Summer ’15. Here’s your Up Votes, Down Votes, and Totals for our 12 Activities:
- Painting +7 -1 = 6
- Plaster Casting +6 -1 = 5
- Instagram +5 -1 = 4
- Museum +4 -1 = 3
- Landscapes +5 -3 = 2
- Web Design +1 -0 = 1
- ePortfolio +1 -0 = 1
- Snapchat +4 -4 = 0
- Geocaching +4 -6 = -2
- Drawing +3 -7 = -4
- Game Design 1 (Sketchup) +4 -10 = -6
- Architecture & Urban Planning +1 -7 = -6

Painting, Plaster Casting, and Instagram have been at the top of the list for as long as we’ve been doing these Activities. So they’ll definitely stay for next semester.

Based on your votes it looks like Game Design 1 (Sketchup / Chair) and Architecture & Urban Planning really need to go. I feel bad about this in that I feel that Architecture, or more specifically, Urban Planning is such a powerful thing that we often don’t think nearly enough about. People like Francesca Woodman or Allan Kaprow are remarkable artists. Their ideas might change our lives. But most of us don’t encounter their work every day. But how we design our cities, how we think about Pedestrians, Cars, Commutes, Community, and so many other aspects of urban spaces, effects the quality and experience of life every single day.
Still, it seems like I’m not communicating that well with this particular activity. Maybe we should lose the AUP Activity, and instead have Jane Jacobs as an Artist OTW.
Thanks for the feedback! It’s helpful to know what’s working well or not so well for you all.

Well, if you’re returning to school I guess you only have 4 days of “summer” left! But enjoy them.

Whetever’s next for you: school, career, family, life, or elsewhere, I hope you have a wonderful experience. And I hope art can be a small piece of that. Whether it’s bringing “creativity” to your work, even technical work in Accounting or Biochem, or doing a craft project on a Saturday, or visiting an Art Museum or exploring Art, Creativity, & Culture online.
It’s been a great summer!
Thanks guys!
— Glenn

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?