- There is no paper textbook to buy.
- Your Laptop & Phone are your textbooks.
Week 1 – Plaster Casting
- 4# Box of Plaster of Paris – Any Hardware store
- Metal Hand Shovel – plastic shovels suck, metal shovels are expensive, but Daiso has metal shovels for $1.50! 😀
- Bucket – steal from mom ‘n dad or split one at Hardware store with classmate
- Stir Stick – free at Hardware store, just ask at paint counter (a free 5-gallon stir stick is even better than a 1-gallon)
- Cheap 1″ paint brush (optional) don’t need this, but most students like to brush sand off their finished casting

Week 3 – Graffiti Writing
- Spray paint, 2 colors. Any paint will do, Montana Gold is awesome!
- Montana Cap Set Level 1-6 – optional, great for getting thin lines & wide fills

Week 6 – Sketching
- Paper to draw on, several sheets, preferably unlined
- Any pencil will do, but a “Draughting Pencil” from CSULB Art Store is awesome (can also try Pastels from Automatic Drawing)

Week 10 – Zines
Assorted material: paper, needle & thread for binding, etc. Exact materials depend on what you choose to make.

Week 12 – Automatic Drawing
Note: if you come to the optional meetup, you don’t need to bring materials, I’ll provide them.
- 22×30″ sheet of drawing paper. Rives BFK White is the most glorious sheet of paper I’ve ever seen! (seriously) CSULB Art Store in FA3, or any other art store
- Some kind of Board or plywood or cardbaord to tape it to
- Oil Crayons – get a whole set at Daiso for $1.50!

Other Materials
Whatever materials you might need to realize your vision on various Activities. Mostly no-cost or low-cost stuff you can find around the house.
Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?