Welcome to Greece

Vlogging (Summer) v23

Hello Video

A vlog to introduce you to the class – where you are this summer, what’s going on with your life, major, career, etc. Vlogging is a way to share your identity & style with other people. Vlogging is a way to share your place, your city, and your home, with others. Vlogging is a way to say hello to 29 Art 110 classmates.

Don’t Worry!

Just like speech class, this is something that can be stressful for many of us. And just like speech class, if you get a bit better at it, you’ve gained a powerful skill. Imagine going on a job interview and not making eye contact with your interviewer, but looking at the ground instead because you’re nervous and embarrassed. Many of us feel this way. It’s intimidating. But if you can give someone a confident handshake, and make comfortable eye contact with them as you talk about yourself, you’ve gone a long way to forging a real relationship with this person.


Beyond Art 110, being able to express yourself on video is a powerful career skill. Whether it’s to argue an idea, or to share detailed information, if you can communicate with video, you’ve taken a significant step toward building a career.


Use your Phone, Laptop, or any other Camera.

  • If you can use a tripod, or tape your phone or selfie stick to a chair, your non-shaky video will be much more watchable.
  • If you don’t have an external microphone (awesome if you do) try to be in a quiet place and be close to your phone/camera so the sound doesn’t pick up too much “room tone”
  • Have a clear outline of what you want to say!

Give it a shot!

Record your video. Share anything about yourself, your college experience, what you’re up to this summer, your goals, or whatever you’d like to talk about. It’s not required, but if you’re able to include a couple images or shots of where you are this summer, that’d be awesome! 😀

Post on Canvas

Post your video to your choice of:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • TikTok
  • Twitch

In the Canvas textbox post a link (URL) to your video and discuss these questions:

  1. What you were going for in your video?
  2. Did you accomplish it?
  3. What would you do differently next time?
  4. Do you think you’ll ever vlog again?

travel images with text "Welcome to Greece"
Image: MissIngridNieto