Daniel Curry making balloon animals in the Art Gallery Courtyard at Long Beach State University

Final (ly Done!)

Banner for content for Fall Semester 2018 at California State University, Long Beach

Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.

— Winston Churchill

Art Games

Katie Dill standing in the Courtyard at the School of Art, Art Gallery Complex at Long Beach State University and addressing a group of students
Katie explaining Art Games

A big thank you to Katie for organizing our Final Art Games! I hope it was a low-stress way to wrap up your Fall 2018 semester.

Another big thanks to Daniel "Jeff Koons" Curry for all the balloon animals and balloon swords.

And thank you for being you!

Daniel making Balloon Animals… and swords!
Audrey Resella and Brian Freeman battle with "balloon swords" on the grass in front of the School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard, at Long Beach State University
Sword Fight!
Pencil drawing of Art 110 sage Rhonda working at her desk
“ID Card” drawing by Allison Sanchez

Want your ID Cards back?

They’re all in my office, FO5-234. You can hit me up anytime next semester if you’d like to get yours back. If you want them, get them before May 2019, once we get to Summer, there could be an office cleaning.

You can find me during OH or class and I can let you use my office to sift through the big pile of cards.

How do you find me?…

Say “Hi!” sometime!

I’ll pretty much be at the same places at the same time next semester. On the "B" Wednesdays (AKA Weeks 4-13) I’ll be in the SOA Gallery Courtyard from 3:30 – 4:45.

My OH will be 1-2 pm on M&W. Mondays will be at the umbrella tables outside Robeks/Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at the USU.

If the new Student Success Center actually opens in January, then my Wednesday OH will be there (up in the cool 2nd floor glass thingy if possible, or down at the "Asterisk Benches" below if not) If it doesn’t open in January, then my Wed OH will also be at Robeks/Coffee Bean.

a group of 6 students sit on a large stone in the School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard at Long Beach State University and play games and eat snacks.
Art Games!
2 students sitting on a large stone in the Art Gallery Courtyard at Long Beach State University.
Good luck in 2019!

Final Points Update

Everything is now up on BeachBored! Final points, attendance points, everything! We wound up with 1,000 points possible. Here’s how many points it took for each grade level, and how many peeps finished at that level:

  • 900 points = A – 94 peeps
  • 800 points = B – 10 peeps
  • 700 points = C – 8 peeps
  • 600 points = D – 4 peeps
  • 599 & below = F – 7 peeps

Final Class GPA = 3.46



I always feel a little bit mixed about posting these leaderboards. Earning a lot of points doesn’t make you a good person. Earning not-so-many points doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t even mean that you are smart or not-so-smart.


All grades really tell us is an amount of work accomplished in a given unit of time. Grades don’t tell us whether that work was useful, or memorable. Grades don’t tell us whether an experience changed your life or was boring. High grades don’t tell us if something just happened to be easy for you, or if you cheated. Low grades don’t specify if you were physically overwhelmed and emotionally paralyzed because your grandmother was dying of cancer. Or your dad. If I got into the foolish business of judging the quality of reasons for low grades, I might say that caring for a sick relative was a "good" excuse, and that going to a party every night was a "bad" excuse. But judging the reasons for someone else’s time budget is a slippery slope at best, and pure folly at worst. And who’s to say that all that partying doesn’t lead to strong business partnerships that build your career?

In the end, points and grades tell us everything about your college experience, except what it means to you, why it matters, and how it affects your life.

It would make sense for me to never mention points or grades at all!


Nonetheless, while there is so much that points and grades don’t tell us, some of you did earn a lot of points this semester. I think most students would describe Art 110 as a fairly easy class. Still, it does have more deliverables than most of your other classes. 2 posts/week during "B", plus the Art & (my) Life essay, so 21 things and a lot of ID cards to turn in. That’s a lot more stuff to turn in than just a couple of midterms and a paper. Even if Art 110 is easy, it’s still a responsibility to get something done every week. Some of you managed to do that. And to do some EC too. And occasionally to do something so well that you got more than full points on it.

(Believe it or not, a few years ago, it was was double the number of deliverables! 42! No kidding! Lucky for you, the students who came before you told me that 3 posts/week was kind of pushing it, so we cut it down to 2. And then I came up with the bright idea that 15-week semesters were just too long in the Millennial age, so we carved a 10-week "quarter" out of the 15-week semester, so now you "only" have 10×2 posts instead of the old 15×3! 😜

94 & 55

We wound up with 94 A’s this semester, which is awesome. Not only that, but 55 of you earned more than 1,000 points, which is awesomesauce!

Here are the 55 peeps who earned over 1,000 points…


  1. Audrey Resella, 1167
  2. Erica Lander, 1166
  3. Taylor Wilkins, 1139
  4. Katie Dill, 1124
  5. Daniel Curry, 1124
  6. Allison Sanchez, 1111
  7. Toty Tottress, 1108
  8. Trent Riemer, 1104
  9. Brian Freeman, 1096
  10. Hope Kindred, 1095
  11. Jamie Landicho, 1074
  12. Hailey Hairell, 1065
  13. Sienna Sanchez, 1060
  14. Jullian Lou, 1059
  15. Janet Chung, 1059
  16. Obeid Uddin, 1055
  17. Hunter Dennis, 1053
  18. Merna Shehata, 1051
  19. Alex Horn, 1049
  20. Natalie Hops, 1047
  21. Elizabeth Moses, 1047
  22. Olivia Casella, 1046
  23. Stephen Kang, 1045
  24. Samantha Jensen, 1044
  25. Nicole Merrit, 1040
  26. Jameson McEnany, 1038
  27. Katelyn Tran, 1035
  28. Minhyuk Kim, 1030
  29. Jeff Vintimilla, 1028
  30. Cynthia Martinez, 1027
  31. Christine Van, 1027
  32. Andrew Ea, 1024
  33. Veronica Maglonzo, 1023
  34. Kaelie Osorio, 1023
  35. Marie Kili, 1020
  36. Isela Rodriguez, 1020
  37. Brandon Rex, 1018
  38. Kyle Brown, 1017
  39. Lesly Carrillo, 1016
  40. Brayden Rios, 1015
  41. Mayra Garcia, 1014
  42. Justin Ahn, 1014
  43. Roberto Ruiz, 1013
  44. Regan Banz, 1013
  45. Devlen Rourke, 1013
  46. Jamie Otero, 1009
  47. Isaac Embry, 1007
  48. Christian Rodriguez, 1007
  49. Vaesala Lesatele, 1006
  50. Victoria Cheng, 1004
  51. Kimberly Galvez, 1003
  52. Kajiki Yamada, 1003
  53. Alex Newe, 1002
  54. Eleanor Meyer, 1001
  55. Cristina Molina, 1001

Whether you earned an "A+", or "only an ‘A’", or any other letter in the grading alphabet, I thank you for being a part of our Art 110 journey this semester. I hope everyone took something useful from our time together. Remember that in this class, or in any other class, or in life itself, the most important things aren’t always immediately obvious. Sometimes what matters most emerges slowly over time.

2 students sitting on a large stone in the Art Gallery Courtyard at Long Beach State University.
Happy Trails!

Happy Trails!

a page from the Fall/Winter 2016 issue of Self Service magazine with hand lettering over the polaroids on the page. The lettering reads, "Wishing you an artful life! (do something awesome in 2019!) - Glenn, 20 Dec '18"
Riding the Metro Gold Line on Tuesday at 1:50 pm.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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