photo of 2 people standing before a large, curving, Sol LeWitt wall drawing

Wk13: Easy Street!

Banner for Art110, Spring 2015

Generating Feng Shui by Marina Barnes

Drawings where the length of the line represents a code like a letter in the alphabet
Coded Lines by Adam Price


All points through Week 12 are now up on BeachBoard. All of your points questions have been replied to. The total points possible so far is 676. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:

608 points = “A” pace – 78 peeps (41 “super A’s”)
540 points = “B” pace – 22 peeps
472 points = “C” pace – 6 peeps
404 points = “D” pace – 6 peep
403 & below = “F” pace – 17 peeps

Low scores are mostly from not turning things in.

To maximize points on your work:

Photo of Sony Gore & Veronica Meza in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Sony Gore & Veronica Meza


  1. Veronica Meza – 783
  2. Marina Barnes – 765
  3. Sophia Guthrie – 746
  4. Christen Drake – 736
  5. Gibson Reedy – 732
  6. Nallely Silva – 731
  7. Rogelio Avina – 728
  8. Amanda Bjornstad – 728
  9. Heather Hopkins – 724
  10. Joseph Cardoso – 723
Marina Barnes & Eujin Song sitting on a stone in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard. Both with smiles. Barnes wearing sunglasses.
Marina Barnes & Eujin Song

Activity “Grades”

48 of you chose to do the optional evaluation of our 12 Activities for Spring ’15. Here’s your Up Votes, Down Votes, and Totals for our 12 Activities:

  • Instagram +23 -5 = +18
  • Graffiti +23 -8 = +15
  • Website +12 -0 =+12
  • Choice +13 -3 = +10

  • Plaster +15 -12 = +3
  • Yarn Bomb +12 -11 = +1
  • Landscapes +8 -10 = -2
  • Mina Show +9 -12 = -3

  • Kickstarter +3 -13 = -10
  • Architecture +2 -12 = -10
  • Algorithmic +4 -14 = -10
  • Remix +3 -20 = -17

Last Semester

Here’s how 74 students ranked the 12 activities from Fall ’14:

  • Painting +47 -13 = 34
  • Plaster Casting +37 – 14 = 23
  • Your Turn +21 -0 = 21
  • Instagram +26 -10 = 16
  • Corpse +24 -11 = 13
  • Web Design +5 -0 = 5

  • Teach One +6 -6 = 0

  • ePortfolio +10 -16 = -6
  • Drawing +15 -26 = -11
  • Kickstarter +12 -32 = -20
  • CFID +9 -31 = -22
  • vLog +4 -26 = -22


  • “sorry I already got interviewed.”

  • Classmate question of the week – SteevieLee Nabors

  • Less index cards; more student work on screen!

  • how do I (Glenn) get you (class) to ask questions?

Dunk, Leyba, Zucman & Drake standing & smiling in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Alexx Dunk, Katie Leyba, Glenn Zucman & Christen Drake

Week 13 Activity


Melody Madness by Lahya Woodruff

Week 13 Optional EC

You can do up to 4 of your classmates Procedures from last week’s Procedural Art activity for up to 15 points each. Do 4 nicely and you could earn up to 60 points of EC! Pick any from this list of procedures, perform the procedure, document with text / image / sound / video as appropriate, and write a paragraph for each describing your experience. Discuss what you thought you’d get, what you did get, and how interesting it is conceptually and aesthetically.

  • Kyle Wadsworth’s Puzzle Video Game. – Kyle’s game only runs on PCs. If you’d got a PC, it’s fun to download it and play. In this case you won’t be “performing a procedure,” it will be more like “beta testing” the game. If you do this one, Kyle has 2 questions for you:
    1) Do you like video games? If so, what are some video games you like to play?
    2) Describe your experience. What happened? What did you like? What did you not like?
    If you do this one, please tag the post with “kyle-wadsworth” so Kyle can get everyone’s feedback next week.
  1. Alphabet Stories by Amanda Bjornstad
  2. How to draw a picture (Christian Park style)
  3. Musical Drawing by Christian Posada
  4. Procedural Photography by Gibson Reedy
  5. Procedural Poetry by Hoc Nguyen
  6. License Plate Art by Jairo Ubeda
  7. Text Message Poetry by Jasmine Barnum
  8. Geometric Drawing by Lizbeth Acosta
  9. Melody Madness by Lahya Woodruff
  10. Procedural Denim by Mari Christy
Matt Do & Hannah Drake in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Matt Do & Hannah Drake

MEOW gallery by Michelle Howard

Artist Tags

Be sure to tag your artist posts!

headshot of Amanda Bjornstad with a big smile and her head tilted to the right
Amanda Bjornstad by Sophie Guthrie

SOA Galleries – Wk 13 – April 19th-April 23rd

Gatov West, Gatov East, Merlino Gallery:

Photography, BFA Group Show

The BFA Photography Group exhibition features photographic work by students earning a BFA degree in Photography.

Dutzi Gallery:

Shihori Nakayam, MA, Illustration

Shihori Nakayama’s MA illustration show includes pen and ink drawings and relief prints that serve as documentaries of her personal life and influences.

Werby Gallery:

Marty Knop, MFA, Printmaking

Marty Knop’s MFA printmaking exhibition consists of mixed media works (gouache paint, screen prints, digital prints) exploring the theme of mathematics and computer graphics.

Benjamin Zhou and SteevieLee Nabors sitting on a stone in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Benjamin Zhou & SteevieLee Nabors

SOA Galleries – Wk 14 – April 26th-April 30th

CSULB School of Art, Drawing & Painting program, 2015 BFA Students

Gatov West & Gatov East:

Drawing & Painting, BFA Group Show

The BFA Drawing and Painting Group exhibition will feature a large body of work from BFA students.

Merlino Gallery:

Nathaniel Glauninger, non-degree, Sculpture

Nathaniel Glauninger’s sculptural installation explores the bending of materials using strips of oak suspended from cables.

[box]Glauninger has declined to open for us.[/box]

Dutzi Gallery:

Danqing Shen, MFA, Graphic Design

Danqing Shen’s MFA exhibition focuses on the visualization of emotional feelings by creating informational systems.

fiber art installation
sight/site/cite, Annette Heully

Werby Gallery:

Annette Heully, MFA, Fiber

Annette Heully’s MFA fiber show includes large net-like weavings made from cotton and vinyl.

Closeup of Summer Morgan & Natsuki Fukayama  at the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Summer Morgan & Natsuki Fukayama

SOA Galleries – Wk 15 – May 3rd–May 7th

All 5 Galleries

Illustration & Animation, BFA Group Show

The BFA Illustration/Animation Group exhibition is an annual show comprising the works of all graduating BFA students.

Boxes In Boxes from Aleks Kivuls on Vimeo.

Aleks videos look sharper if you view them on Vimeo!

Aleks Kivuls & Monica Navarro in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Aleks Kivuls & Monica Navarro

Arc to infinity from Aleks Kivuls on Vimeo.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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