is a racist, 9:56pm

a woman leans over Donald Trump's Star on Hollywood blvd and writes on it with mascara

tagging the Trump Star with mascara

She tagged the Trump Star with mascara at 9:56 pm on Saturday night. It took her about 79 seconds to do and then she walked off. I don’t think she even took a picture. 28 minutes later, at 10:24 pm, an LAPD vehicle rolled up with her in the back. The first officer got out, looked at the star, gave a small laugh, and then let her out of the back. They made her clean the Trump Star. When she was done they put her back in the back of the LAPD vehicle and drove off.

a woman leans over Donald Trump's Star on Hollywood Blvd and cleans mascara off the star

28 minutes later: cleaning mascara off the Trump Star

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