Canvas is the enemy of education, Pitch #14

For many SMC students, Canvas is a convenient one-stop home where they can attend to the many aspects of their semester classes. For me, Canvas is the opposite of education. By 2019 most people understand that with Social Media, you gain easy sharing with friends and relatives, but you pay the price of having to …

The Power of Out, Pitch #6

Each of us has an Identity of many components: gender identification, sexual orientation, political ideology, age, ethnicity, ableness, religion, geeky obsessions, and more. Who we share aspects of our identity with should be a personal choice. Our information should be private by default, and public when we choose. Privacy is essential. However, in this opinion …

Nonfiction Photography, Pitch #1

SMC Students, faculty & staff are bombarded by thousands of visual images every day. Many of these images are manufactured, fictional images. Be it the hair, makeup & Photoshop of the Fashion & Beauty industries, or the careful curation of our friends’ foodstagrams, manufactured images and curated lives distort the reality of how we actually …